I’m still very, very, very mad at SONOS for the ******** they are putting us customers through with the new app and the way they communicate. I wish they’d roll back to the old app. But I know nobody at SONOS cares.
Anyway. My Music Library (on my MacBookAir with OS X) works on SONOS for Mac OS X. However it doesn’t appear on iOS iPhone.
Same at my mom’s house. She has her Music Library on a NAS (WD My Cloud, set to SMBv2). The music library works on her Mac Mini on SONOS for Mac OS X. However it doesn’t appear on iOS iPhone.
Is it just us or hasn’t SONOS fixed Music Library for iPhone iOS yet?
Anything I could try to make it appear?
I already wasted hours (thanks SONOS!) trying different things. But nothing worked. Systems are all up-to-date.