My Controllers are Android, running V80.01.07 on one so I can see what’s happening with the Controller “Upgrade”and V16.1 on the other 3 so I can do what I really want with my music, which is NAS based.
In the last day or two this popup has been appearing on launch of V80…

Followed when clicked by this one

Which appears to me to imply that it is the Speakers that will be updated, not the Controllers, and is rather threatening in its tone. I have ignored it and established that the threat is a hollow one in that both Controller versions continue to work as before, one well and the other not so much…
My question is:-
If one clicks through and performs this update, will it update the Speakers, which is what I suspect it will and, if it does, what effect will that have on the Controllers? Will it perhaps deprecate the performance of good old V16.1? (Bad!) Or will it perhaps improve the performance of V80.x? (Wishful thinking?)
Anybody been there and care to share your experience?