I’m having an issue where Sonos will not update the music index for my NAS unless I remove and re-add the path to the NAS.
I Select System/Music Library/Update Music Index Now, and it throws an error upon scanning:
“Music Files Not Available
[NAS path] is no longer available. The device where the music files are stored may not be powered on, or the path may have changed. Go to Settings>System>Music Library Setup to check the path.”
But the music files are all still there, and available (minus the ones that have been added recently). They play back just fine. So the device is available, and it’s powered on, and the path hasn’t changed.
I can then force Sonos to re-index ONLY if I remove the path to the NAS from the Music Library Setup, and then re-add the path. The EXACT same pathname.
Can’t I just get it to re-index without having to go through all that every time I add new music? Oh, the scheduled “Music Index Update Time” function doesn’t work, either.
This is a Western Digital NAS hardwired to my network router.