For the past few months, I’ve been unable to AirPlay to my Sonos Beam. I’ve noticed others have had this issue, especially after a HomeKit update, but haven’t found a fix that works for my system.
The best I’ve been able to do is a factory reset of the Sonos Beam which temporarily fixes the problem and allows me to AirPlay to the Sonos Beam but the problem comes back shortly thereafter.
If anyone has ideas to fix this, I’d really appreciate it!
If it makes a difference, the Sonos Beam is paired with two IKEA Symfonisk Bookshelf speakers.
Best answer by Airgetlam
Please don’t factory reset the Beam, all that does is remove the log files that might help Sonos help you.
I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.
There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.
When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.
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Please don’t factory reset the Beam, all that does is remove the log files that might help Sonos help you.
I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.
There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.
When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.
I submitted a system diagnostic once a couple months ago and chatted with a Sonos representative online, but I guess I’ll need to use the phone line to get the help I need.
AirPlay broken to all my devices. They all show up but none can be used with AirPlay. Spent a lot of time chatting with tech support. We tried everything, nothing worked. There is clearly something wrong on the Sonos side here as this issue is widespread. Sonos app works just fine - that’s what we normally use - however this really should be fixed.
Same problem. AirPlay no longer works on my sonos five. I perform the reset to factory settings and it works for a few days then for no reason it stops going. I see the sonos five in the list of AirPlay devices but if I select I get an error. I almost resigned myself. Ps: telephone assistance not working in Italy. Always detached
At this point Sonos should stop claiming to be AirPlay compatible. I really don’t care who’s fault this is - Apple or Sonos - it is just very clear this is broken and needs to be fixed. Thank goodness we typically use the app.
Have the exact same problem has been ongoing for at least a year at this point. Resetting the device makes it work for a few days then back to unable to connect.
This occurs on all my Sonos speakers (7 of them) but does not happen on the Roam. Airplay used to work extremely well on Sonos but now it requires resetting all the devices every couple of days. At some point Sonos need to stop saying it's airplay compatible.
Have slowly started switching out my kit with HomePods which don't have this issue. Wile the Sonos does sound better the constant issues are a product killer for me. As a long term user the experience keeps getting worse with each year. I am now just fed up to be honest. I just want a system that works without have to constantly troubleshoot.
Exactly the same problem for me. Airplay always worked fine on my Sonos Beam (paired with sub and 2 Sonos Ones) and Sonos Roam, then stopped working a couple of months ago and has never worked since. I have tried resetting my router and factory resetting all the speakers one by one but the problem persists. I also live in Italy and the Sonos helpline is inactive. No one answers. I can pretty safely say that it isn’t a hardware issue as it happened to all my speakers simultaneously. I haven’t changed any of the setting on my router. I can play music only through the Sonos app. Really frustrating!
Exactly the same problem for me. Airplay always worked fine on my Sonos Beam (paired with sub and 2 Sonos Ones) and Sonos Roam, then stopped working a couple of months ago and has never worked since. I have tried resetting my router and factory resetting all the speakers one by one but the problem persists. I also live in Italy and the Sonos helpline is inactive. No one answers. I can pretty safely say that it isn’t a hardware issue as it happened to all my speakers simultaneously. I haven’t changed any of the setting on my router. I can play music only through the Sonos app. Really frustrating!
Probably to do with the Apple upgrade to HomeKit, perhaps? I would remove them as accessories from the iOS Home and then try a factory reset and see if that resolves it. If not, then it’s likely the router, or your Airplay sending device is blocking the bonjour service - try a different router (even just temporary) to see if things then work for you.
Sonos speakers aren’t in iOS Home so that suggestion doesn’t work. Router hasn’t changed, can’t see how that would be the issue, besides this issue has been reported widely around the world, no chance we are are experiencing a router bonjour issue. Factory resets don’t work or if they do, problem re occurs. As I’ve noted before, Sonos can’t claim airplay compatibility at the moment.
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