I recently got a new Mac and it’s running Catalina OS (10.15.6). I migrated all of my files over to the new mac and, at first, I was able to add my music library to Sonos but then all of a sudden my music stopped and the library had disappeared. I tried to add the library again and I chose the “My Music folder” icon under “Music Library Settings” and I got the error “Sonos was unable to add the music folder. The computer “blah-blah” cannot be found.” So then I went back and picked the “another folder connected to my computer” icon and I chose the main music folder in User. Sonos will act like it’s working and will even say that my music is being added and it will show that it is indexing the library but then it just goes away….disappears….poof. So then I go back and try to add that folder again and it will say it can’t be found. omg….sooooo frustrating.
Please please please help. I have a hunch it’s this new OS -- it no longer supports 32-bit applications. If that is the case please let me know if you are updating the Sonos app. The Sonos app on my computer and my phone are both up to date. My Mac name is the same as my old computer and I think the folder name where my music is located has stayed the same.
I have 6- Play 1’s.
Thanks in advance for your help!