For the past few days I cannot reliably connect to SiriusXM on any of the apps (Phone, iPad, Mac desktop). When I browse for SiriusXM channels I get messages like “unable to connect..” and sometimes “unable to play.. not encoded correctly” or “digital rights management … encoding not supported”. On a couple of occasions the music will start and play for a few seconds, then the “connection lost” message will appear.
I have rebooted the Network and killed/restarted the Apps. I have also removed and then re-added the SiriusXM account to my Sonos - none of these have fixed the problem.
I checked the on-line Sonos status - and that shows that SirisuXM is up and running with no problems.
I don’t have any problem playing SiriusXM from their native App on my phone - so this problem appears to be limited to Sonos.
Any advice?