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Sonos ARC + LG TV (eARC)




My Sonos ARC has recently started losing connection to my LG TV every time I turn off/on the tv. (LG 65NANO886)


To reconnect i have to redo the complete setup process to obtain again sound from HDMI ARC. Have only turn on the CEC feature for the sound bar for the rest of device is disable.


Already have the last software update, but still have the same issues.


I have run a diagnostic which is 11742033711.


Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best answer by Jamie A

Hi @fcarratala

If you aren’t able to repeat the issues with the 2021 LG TV, then that would point to the issue being with the 2020 LG TV. 

In this case, I would recommend you reach out to LG to discuss this issue, as looking at the diagnostics, the TV isn’t receiving our CEC commands to initiate ARC and gives us a timeout error. The fact that this happens to your after the TV is switched on from standby also makes it seem like it’s an issue with that specific TV.

If you’re still having issues after speaking to LG and having them troubleshoot the issue on your TV, then I’d recommend reaching out to our support team as they have the necessary tools to help troubleshoot this issue with you. 

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21 replies

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Hi @fcarratala

Just to check, do you have the latest version of the Sonos app and the latest TV firmware? If you don’t have the latest TV firmware, I’d suggest updating that first. 

Also, I’m not able to view that diagnostic and nothing shows up, are you able to send over another diagnostics, preferable after the issue occurs?

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  • November 21, 2022

Have run another diagnostic 1244197987.


Also have tried every possible combination, enable, and disable without luck.

  • Auto Power Cycle (ON and OFF)
  • Auto Device Detection (ON and OFF)
  • QuickStart+ for LG (ON and OFF)
  • HDMI Ultra Deep Color (Enable and Disable)
  • Instant Game Response (Enable and Disable)
  • All HDMI Cables Tested 
  • HDMI cables connected to TV no luck
  • HDMI cables disconnected except Sonos no luck
  • HDMI-CEC setup only for the Sonos ARC

I’m running out of options to test, is very disappointing and frustrating that a soundbar of 1000€ + 800€ sub is constantly required to setup every day to enjoy.

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Hi @fcarratala,

It does sound very frustrating from what you’ve described. I’ve had a look into the diagnostics and can see a reply timeout error, which means the TV isn’t responding to our CEC messages to initiate ARC. There are a few things I’d want to make sure of before we go further. Can you check sure both ARC and CEC is enabled on the LG TV, here are the steps to do so:

Enable ARC

Sound menu→ Select Audio Out (Optical/HDMI ARC). → Turn on Simplink OR on some older LG TVs: Sound menu→ Turn on ARC Mode. → Turn off TV Speakers.

NOTE: On some TVs you may need to select External Audio (Optical/HDMI).

Enable CEC

Home Button on remote → Settings → Simplink → Enable OR Home Button on remote → Input Methods → Green Button for Simplink → Enable

You’ll also want to make sure the Sonos Arc is connected to the HDMI eARC/ARC port on the LG TV, looking up the TV specs this should be HDMI port 3. I can also see that there’s a Blu-Ray player connected, so to help isolate the issue as much as possible, please remove that for now. Finally, can you confirm the LG TV’s firmware version and if it’s up to date? 

Once you’ve done the above, lets replicate the issue by redoing the setup process, then powering the LG TV off then on again to see if you still lose sound. If you could also submit two diagnostics, one after you’ve completed the setup process while playing TV audio, and another diagnostic after you’ve powered the TV off and on. 

I’ll have a look into both diagnostics to see what changes between a reboot of the TV after you send them over. 

  • 42513 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Note that in most cases, ‘rebooting the TV’ requires unplugging it from the wall for two to five minutes, then plugging it back in. Turning it off/on with the remote, or even the buttons on the TV doesn’t actually reboot anything, just puts the TV in standby. 

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Hello @Jamie A 


After 10 attempt and two different cables I was able to setup the Sonos ARC with the TV. Before it wasn't output sound…

  • HDMI-CEC, enable
  • Auto Device Detection, enable
  • Auto Power Syn, enable
  • Simplink configured with soundbar to work with the magic remote.
  • eARC, enable
  • Digital Sound Out = Pass Through
  • All HDMI are disconnected except the ARC.
  • HDMI 3 is the eARC port on the TV. (currently in use)


After several tries and finally able to setup with the Sonos APP  the diagnostics is 152681837


Reboot and now without sound again, volumen is disable. The diagnostics is 536248547


Thanks for your time and let me know what to do… is getting really disappointing.


  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • November 21, 2022

Hello @Airgetlam 

Already tried the cold restart by waiting 15min to plug again the system with the same sad result. Need to configure the Sonos arc via app to be able to listen to audio from the TV. Tested several cables, it a bit disappointing really.

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Hi @fcarratala,

Looking into the diagnostics, I can see the timeout error after the TV restarts but everything is fine before then, making me believe the CEC and ARC settings on the TV aren’t starting up right away.

Do you have another TV you can test the Sonos Arc with? Also have you tried using the optical adapter with the Sonos Arc after turning the TV off and on?

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • November 22, 2022

Hello @Jamie A 


Sorry for the delay on the answer wasn't able to test with another TV.

Used a LG TV from 2021, the one in question is from 2020.


For the TV 2021, tried to repeat the issues and was not possible… here is the diagnostic for the new tv 59368476.


For the TV 2020 (with the issues) tried again and happens the same.

  • Without Sound: 1181113177 (is now imposible to get audio via hdmi earc)

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • Answer
  • November 25, 2022

Hi @fcarratala

If you aren’t able to repeat the issues with the 2021 LG TV, then that would point to the issue being with the 2020 LG TV. 

In this case, I would recommend you reach out to LG to discuss this issue, as looking at the diagnostics, the TV isn’t receiving our CEC commands to initiate ARC and gives us a timeout error. The fact that this happens to your after the TV is switched on from standby also makes it seem like it’s an issue with that specific TV.

If you’re still having issues after speaking to LG and having them troubleshoot the issue on your TV, then I’d recommend reaching out to our support team as they have the necessary tools to help troubleshoot this issue with you. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • November 26, 2022

I’m in a similar situation. However, my set up is a Sonos Arc, LG OLED65B7P, and AppleTV 4K. I confirmed all devices are running updated software. I get the Sonos Arc working with cold reboots; then I lose sound again. I can restore the sound to the Arc if I disconnect the ATV HDMI cable. I can sometimes get the sound back reboot of the LG and Arc and redoing the TV set up in the Sonos app.

I reached out to LG support. Although the agent was very helpful, there was no resolution. The two devices and the addition of an Apple TV were working fine for years. I am going to order a new cable just so I can eliminate it as an issue. 

My gut says there is a software conflict somewhere between the devices. It’s almost like the ATV and Arc are competing for the connection. 

Any suggestions? Is there an HDMI splitter that would allow me to bypass the LG and go from ATV to splitter to Arc? Or does it need an eARC feed specifically? (Largely ignorant to the technology, just providing my best understanding here)



Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • November 28, 2022

Hi @tangle,

If you’ve followed the steps in this topic and have already spoken with LG, then I’d suggest submitting a diagnostics after the issue occurs then reaching out to our support team to troubleshoot the issue.

You may be right with there being a conflict between Apple TV and the Arc, but it’s strange that it was working fine previously as you said, perhaps a firmware update has changed your TV settings?

I wouldn’t recommend using a splitter to go from the Apple TV to the Arc directly. It’s better to have the Arc connected to the eARC/ARC port on the TV. 

I hope this information helps!


  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • November 29, 2022

Hello @Jamie A 

Following your comments, did several test and issues at the moment is the eARC, without it only using ARC. The problem disappears, cec enabled on all devices.


Been test for almost 4 days, can you explain me the difference in sound for the Sonos ARC with/without the eARC?


thanks in advance for your help 

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1244 replies
  • November 29, 2022

Hi @fcarratala,

The main difference between ARC and eARC on Sonos would be that eARC supports uncompressed Dolby Atmos (Dolby TrueHD), while ARC doesn’t and supports compressed Dolby Atmos.

Generally, if you’re using streaming services, you aren’t going to notice a difference.

Looking into the specs of your TV (LG 65NANO886), it does support eARC, so I’m not sure why you aren’t able to use it. Again I’d suggest reaching out to LG for more information and troubleshooting if you want to have eARC turned on, as it seems your issue is linked to this specific TV.

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • November 29, 2022

I had this problem with my LG55SK9000PUA (2018 model) connected to a Sonos Beam (Gen 2) with HDMI ARC for the 6 months I’ve owned the Beam. I estimate about 25% of the time turning on the TV it appeared to attempt to connect the sound to the Beam but would “fail back” to the TV speaker. Manually changing the TVs Sound back to HDMI ARC would work from that point. … LG updates the TVs software frequently, and it does seem that a recent update may have fixed the issue as the TV has been consistently turning on connected to the Beam for the past few weeks.

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • November 29, 2022

Hello @twrva 


What is the software version you have? Since I already on the current version and the issues are a constant dilemma exactly as what you described.


@Jamie A Im able to toogle on/off the earc but with it ON, the issue is unbearable… with it OFF, it disappeared.. is a thing between the earc of the tv and the sonos arc.

In what specific cases the eARC would be a benefit? Since turning it off is just a patchwork.



  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • July 17, 2023

This happened to me too. Everything was working and connected with arc hdmi on my LG tv then all of sudden it stopped working. 

I was able to resolve my unplugging the ARC from the power and waited a minute. Plugged it back in and it worked. 

When in doubt always unplug it from the powere and reboot. Hope this helps!!

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • July 17, 2023



Yes, that trick works most of the time!! What I found is the eARC between the LG and Sonos has sync issues and by turning off only the eARC and keep the ARC connection works flawlessly. Hope this also helps!

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • July 17, 2023

For me the lip sync problems (with the 2018 model LG and Sonos Beam) always got progressively worse (i.e. as the devices remained on without a restart) using HDMI (ARC or eARC) with bitstream or passthrough audio selected (in order to get Dolby Digital 5.1). If PCM audio was selected, lip sync was not a problem. … I ended up replacing the 2018 LG with a LG 2021 model, which solved this and other problems such as disconnecting a Bluetooth headset always reverting to internal speaker rather than the selected audio out.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • August 1, 2023

Dealing with this issue now.


Sonos Beam 2

Periodically the beam goes mute.  Sometimes I can unplug everything and then wait 5 minutes. Once I reconnect, it usually all works.  However it is not working and can't figure out how best to resolve.  Currently using my Bose wifi/Bluetooth speaker. 


Help please 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 2, 2023

Follow up regarding my issue, I decided to swap out my hdmi cable with my blu-ray player and instantly it started working.  Hard to believe but it's working fine now.

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • December 2, 2023

Hello, lucky you!! My only solution was to turn off the e-arc funtion and since no issues with my LG TV!!

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