Hi, thanks in advance for any help you can provide with this issue.
I have a stereo pair of One SL’s on my desk. I’m having an issue with the stereo balance between the two speakers. When I start a song playing, the stereo balance is centered, but over approximately 15-30 seconds, the center image drifts off to one side (one speaker is becoming louder or softer, but never drifting all the way to one side). When I pause the music, then start it again, the image is again centered but proceeds to drift off center again. What is perplexing is that this happens when using the Sonos app streaming any music service, it happens with Roon streaming Tidal or Qobuz, it happens with the Tidal app using Tidal Connect, but it does not happen when streaming via Airplay from any source. Here are the steps I’ve already taken to attempt to resolve the issue:
Rebooted both speakers. Unpaired, then re-paired the stereo pair. Swapped left and right speakers in the stereo pair. Rebooted my wifi router while also rebooting both speakers afterwards. None of these steps changed anything. One thing I did notice is that it seems the stereo image always drifts to the slave speaker, not the primary.
Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, what worked for you? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!