Please help me restore sanity and a working system oh wise ones!
I’ve been using this set up for 3 years and
Draytek 2760n router, Google hub, Sonos bridge into hub and various S1 speakers dotted about. It’s worked like a dream until now.
All that’s changed is I’ve switched to VM and have a Hub 4 in modem mode, into the Draytek and Google hub / bridge connected as before. I did have to disconnect everything but it’s all gone back exactly as was.
The Google hub says the bridge is wired, but the Sonos app keeps dropping, and when it does connect it seems to be on WiFi as the ability to change channels is greyed out, indicating SonosNet isn’t in operation. If I cycle the bridge power it seems to reconnect but only temporarily.
I don’t know what I’ve done but I’ve broken it somehow and don’t know how to fix it. It’s been a struggle to get the Draytek and VM hub to talk but that’s sorted (albeit speeds aren’t good) and I am tearing what little hair I’ve got left out.
Where am I going wrong?