I have a ZP100 (very retro I know) 🤣 which is in a standard Alexa Group (NOT a speaker Group) with an Alexa Echo device
It’s set up WIRELESSLY to play all music through the external speakers connected to the ZP100 rather than the Echo.
So Alexa’s spoken responses to any questions we have are routed through the Echo which is as I expect
If our request is radio/Sonos related the resulting music is played through ZP100 and external speaker again as expected.
If we issue a voice command to the Echo while the ZP100 is actively playing “Ducking” occurs for the duration of the interaction again as expected, so far so good!
The one thing that is puzzling me is that when our Ring Doorbell is triggered the alert on the Echo plays the “Someone's at the Door” alert that we’ve set up but no ducking occurs on the ZP100 which makes the option to “Answer Front door” voice command that we may choose to issue just a little more complicated because of the background noise from the unducked ZP100
To get around this I’ve set up a routine to pause the ZP100 when the doorbell rings so that we have a quiet environment in which to interact with the doorbell if we choose not to go to the door and that works fine albeit I can’t seem to get it to pause for a set period so music then needs to be started again “Manually” with another voice command when we are finished with the Front Door which is not the end of the world but it has me wondering
Should an incoming doorbell alert on the Echo (which isn’t an Alexa triggered voice command afterall) result in Ducking becoing active and if so what is missing in my set up that prevents this from happening?
and if not………..
is there a way that my Alexa routine can be modified to be time based on the ZP100 pause rather than an indefinite pause that requires a voice command to play again.
Thanks in advance