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Warranty return process not fit for purpose - be warned

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies

Don’t make the same mistake as me or at least be warned and know what to expect before you go through the Sonos Warranty Return process.


I confirmed via Sonos support that one of my Arcs was defective. I bought (from new), 2 Arcs, 2 Sub gen 3, 3 era 300’s and 4 Era 100s. I also own a Roam. I would say therefore I am a “good customer”.

Sonos support confirmed via online chat that I should return my defective Arc and they would provide a replacement (this was after submitting diagnostics etc etc). They sent me shipping labels for UPS and I executed dispatch on the same day January 3rd 2025 by UPS. It all sounded so simple and efficient - just what you would expect from a “premium brand”. I even called my retailer and told them that I wouldn't bring it back to them after all as Sonos will take care of it. My wife and I were delighted with the apparent simplicity and convenience.

This is where the simplicity ended and I made the mistake of not doing my research and trusting in “Sonos the premium brand”.

Note that as a UK customer when you ship back to Sonos it is not back to UK it is actually to Poland. This was surprising but that's fine - no problem. This means that it takes at least a week to reach Poland - again this is ‘sort of fine’ and my shipment made it to their Polish base so I was relieved it had made it! Be warned however that this isn't the case for many people (just google the subject for shared experiences of that - plenty of horror stories there!).

Continuing on - my return was confirmed by UPS as ‘delivered’ on Friday 10th January. I subsequently contacted Sonos later that day to confirm they had received it and shared the UPS tracking data and wanted to understand next steps. The Sonos customer service agent said they had not received it - and - even looking at the UPS screen together with him online which said ‘delivered’ he said that it wasn't delivered because the ‘tick’ or ‘check’ mark wasn't like the other travel milestone ‘marks’. Clearly this was incorrect so I requested to share a file with the full UPS delivery certificate following which the agent viewed it. He didn't apologise and still used language such as ‘if this means it was delivered then its delivered’ and we have to scan everything so give them a few more days.

OK that's fine - no problem - other than the argumentative and confusing nature of the conversation with someone who I can only conclude hadn't had the correct training to understand the data they were looking at or to deal courteously with customers. As the customer at this stage you then start to think - ‘goodness me my £900 product return is now in the hands of people who don't really know where it is or what is happening’ (again google the subject and you will see that this poor service is ‘a thing’ with Sonos. My mistake - I trusted Sonos the brand - I was wrong to do so.

Monday the 13th January then arrives and I get an email saying ‘your return has been recieved and you should receive your replacement within the next 1-5 working days’ and that a courier tracking link will follow…. ‘phew!’ I think to myself, maybe I jumped the gun and everything will be OK after all.

A couple of days went by and I thought - no courier link yet? I contacted Sonos support again and they say they cannot see the status of what is happening and that I should wait a couple more days. The link will come they said.

I then followed up yesterday with Sonos support and the agent said everything was processed on the 3rd January and my product has been shipped. When I asked when it had been shipped he said 3rd January. I then asked ‘how could that be?’ when my Sonos confirmation email stated something completely different! The agent had no answer for this and said he could not help me, he couldn't see what was happening, had no way to check it and that I just have to wait for the courier link but that my replacement has been shipped and is on its way.

My current status is therefore that on day 14 of this process (and day 5 of the promised delivery window) nobody can tell me the status of anything whatsoever! Again please do your research and Google around this particular subject and again you will see this is the norm. There are many reports of very poor Sonos customer service issues similar to mine with customers whose issues go on for many more weeks. This also includes Sonos shipping refurbished products to replace products which customers bought new! This again leads me to dread that if and when my replacement arrives will I have to go through another loop of terrible customer service where nobody knows what is happening!?

I hope to report back with something positive soon but the intent of this post was simply to warn people that if you bought your product from a retailer rather than Sonos directly then make that your first port of call and avoid at all costs the direct Sonos warranty return process.

I made the mistake of trusting in the brand and it has been a mistake. I believe with the CEO “stepping down”, Chief Product Officer ‘leaving’ and ‘Chief Commercial Officer’ leaving too, that a poor company culture has become embedded and that, at all levels, the customers are being treated with contempt and complacency by demotivated and poorly trained staff who don’t seem to have any form of unified customer journey data.

I would also recommend that anyone thinking of spending money on Sonos products that they don’t UNTIL we can see some signs of improvement in App performance and function, better reliability of hardware (my retailer warned me about Arc reliability) and finally my latest poor customer service experience with the warranty return process which has been the icing on the cake!

I hope this post has been in some way useful to somebody...


Did you find what you were looking for?

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Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I am sorry to hear of the issue you were having with your Arc, and of the difficulty you’ve had in getting a replacement shipped to you.

I won’t lie - Brexit has caused problems for us. Before Brexit, all shipments to the UK came from our warehouse in Poland. That was causing so many problems with ordering that we ended up opening a new warehouse in the UK so that products have already been through customs before customers in the UK even order them.

When it comes to returns, however, it simply isn’t cost effective to have them shipped anywhere other than to Poland - to do otherwise would entail setting up a whole new Returns department. Unfortunately, this means that customers are exposed to some of the difficulties we have with Brexit.

Once the unit arrived at our warehouse, however, it was entirely on us that a replacement was not immediately shipped - we apologise.

Please be aware, however, that you are in the minority - although there may be reports here of people having issues with returns, reporting that everything went smoothly is just not something people tend to do, so you won’t see those.

My colleague has just informed me that he will now instigate a process by which we’ll discover why this has happened, and rectify it for you.

I hope this helps - I’ll post here again once I find out more information..

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

I have just heard back - we had no B-stock inventory to send to you, so we are now sending an A-stock replacement to you instead. You should already have - or very soon will - received an email to this effect.

I hope this helps.

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  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • January 20, 2025

@Corry P 

Hi Corry thanks for your reply and comments - its really appreciated. I haven't received an email yet but will keep an eye on this in the next few hours and report back.

By the way what is B stock versus A stock replacement please? If A stock means a new replacement then great thank you (albeit that's what I would expect anyway as I bought all new devices in my ecosystem). If B stock means refurbished then I would not want this and instead request that my own faulty Arc be sent back to me as the retailer would cover this immediately and provide a new one.

I fully appreciate your comments on Brexit (I don't like it either) which is why I mentioned in my original post that I can deal with and be patient with those kinds of issues - its the “black hole” you go into with customer service staff once the return has arrived in Poland whereby they can't tell you what is happening (nothing at all). This is where the frustration is. If they could help / provide updates then it would greatly ameliorate the situation.

Once again thanks - and I will report back once we have any movement my end.

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

HDY wrote:

By the way what is B stock versus A stock replacement please? If A stock means a new replacement then great thank you (albeit that's what I would expect anyway as I bought all new devices in my ecosystem). If B stock means refurbished then I would not want this and instead request that my own faulty Arc be sent back to me as the retailer would cover this immediately and provide a new one.

B-stock is either units that have been returned within their Money Back Guarantee period, or units that had an issue that has now been fixed (such as if there were some cosmetic damage - we’d take the working internals out and put them into a new, undamaged enclosure, for example). If you organise a replacement unit, it will automatically be replaced with A-stock (brand-new stock) if the item was purchased in the last month. If you’ve had the item for over a month, it is replaced with B-stock. The stock you are resupplied with is determined by the system and cannot be overridden by our level 1 agents.

There is no guarantee whatsoever that a unit you purchase in a store has not been purchased and returned before - if the store opens the box and determines that everything that should be present, is, it may well go back on the shelf, or be kept back for when someone comes in looking for a replacement. I have seen evidence of this many times.

HDY wrote:

I fully appreciate your comments on Brexit (I don't like it either) which is why I mentioned in my original post that I can deal with and be patient with those kinds of issues - its the “black hole” you go into with customer service staff once the return has arrived in Poland whereby they can't tell you what is happening (nothing at all). This is where the frustration is. If they could help / provide updates then it would greatly ameliorate the situation.

I understand - it does happen from time to time, regrettably. All the information the agent you speak to on the phone will see is a check-box - a simple true or false. They are not in the warehouse themselves, and to find out more requires generally requires that we get in touch with someone who is - which is what we just did.

I hope this helps.

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  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • January 20, 2025

@Corry P Thank you Corry and in any case am happy you have confirmed an A stock replacement is what will be shipped. Again thanks for your help.

I haven't received any email from your Sonos colleague yet but as mentioned will keep you updated.


Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

It may take a while to process yet. I will check again for you before the end of the day.

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

You should have by now received an email for tracking your new package. If you have not received this, please let me know and I will give you the link via a private message.

It might be worth checking your spam folder too.

I hope this helps.

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  • January 20, 2025

@Corry P 

Hi Corry thanks - I have been checking spam folders throughout but still no message in my mailbox or spam folder so probably need to send it to me directly please (where will I find private message by the way? Do you mean you will email me personally or on this community platform?)

Corry I would also be happy to privately share some of the (downloaded) support chats I have had - you offer great service so I think you might be surprised to read some of the content. For example I had been told that my replacement had already been shipped last week….

Again thanks Corry for your great service….its an example of the way to do things for your colleagues. I will confirm back here when I have your direct message.

Best regards H

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 20, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

I’ll send you the link here (click on your user icon at the top right, then Private Messages):

I can already see your cases, so there’s no need. I will look through them and arrange feedback where required. Thanks!

You are most welcome!

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  • January 20, 2025

@Corry P Hi Corry I have the link now via your direct message thank you. Fingers crossed all will be fine but let’s close the loop here when I receive delivery of the A-Stock item.

I will report back here in due course. Thanks again and have a good rest of the day.

Best regards, H 

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  • January 21, 2025

@Corry P 

Hi Corry,

I promised I would report back and here is my balanced summary as being a UK customer and my experience of the warranty return process pre and post your intervention.

First of all thanks - the Arc replacement arrived today.

  • My limited exposure to the tech support team when submitting diagnostics and deciding the product was defective was positive.
  • On reflection I would recommend people first go back to their retailer if it is proven their product is defective and if they are within the Sonos warranty period (and especially if they have an extended 5 year warranty such as mine). I executed the Sonos warranty return with the blessing of my retailer thinking it would be simple and “a premium experience” but I believe it complicated and elongated the process unnecessarily. It wasn't a good experience from the point that Sonos Poland received my return and this eroded my trust in the brand.
  • Opinions may vary here but I think that replacing a newly bought product with a refurb is unfair. If that is “the policy” then ok BUT I think Sonos should be make this very clear to people before anyone sends a product back as it was only something I realised when I started researching warranty returns (and I only started researching warranty returns when it started to occur to me that the customer service agents I dealt with via the support channel really couldn't help me at all). This policy was a sting in the tail of an already frustrating process.
  • Corry - your interventions, communications and professionalism have been exemplary and I cannot thank you enough. It is exactly the sort of premium standard I / anyone would expect from Sonos.
  • As the new CEO states when the products work Sonos is magical - I agree with this - after all I spent a lot of money on Sonos and set up a resilient home network with my retailer’s installations team to support it. This must however be backed up by fantastic customer service in the way it has been delivered by you Corry. I would strongly recommend your Polish team goes through some extensive training and I hope the new CEO and his team  focus on this when they are in place and not just the App etc.

In summary therefore, Corry,  you have restored some of my faith in Sonos but I still harbour some concerns if I need to lean on the support process ever again and I encounter people / colleagues who are not of your standard.

The new Arc is now installed and working so fingers crossed this one will stand the test of time. In the meantime I wish the Sonos team well in working through residual challenges faced by the business so that, as customers, we can enjoy the Sonos we want to love so much.

Thanks again,


Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 22, 2025

Hi ​@HDY 

I am glad to hear you got your replacement at last, and thanks for the feedback - I will see to it that it reaches the right people.

I do have a few points I’d like to make in response, however.

HDY wrote:
  • On reflection I would recommend people first go back to their retailer if it is proven their product is defective and if they are within the Sonos warranty period (and especially if they have an extended 5 year warranty such as mine). I executed the Sonos warranty return with the blessing of my retailer thinking it would be simple and “a premium experience” but I believe it complicated and elongated the process unnecessarily. It wasn't a good experience from the point that Sonos Poland received my return and this eroded my trust in the brand.

I’d only recommend taking a unit back to the retailer if it is within 30 days of you buying the product - after that, they likely will not be interested/equipped to take it back. If you buy the extended warranty from the store (and it is not our warranty), however, then you should indeed take it back to them.

HDY wrote:
  • Opinions may vary here but I think that replacing a newly bought product with a refurb is unfair. If that is “the policy” then ok BUT I think Sonos should be make this very clear to people before anyone sends a product back as it was only something I realised when I started researching warranty returns (and I only started researching warranty returns when it started to occur to me that the customer service agents I dealt with via the support channel really couldn't help me at all). This policy was a sting in the tail of an already frustrating process.

This would increase costs massively, and that could only be passed on to customers. Not to mention the increase in E-waste. What would we do with all the units that are returned for no reason other than the buyer deciding they don’t want it anymore, or it doesn’t fit in the space they have for it? There are many occurrences when a perfectly operational unit will be returned. As I stated, if you have a unit for less than one month, it will be replaced with a brand new unit. It seems pretty fair to me, as we do make sure that every unit sent out is in perfect condition. And, if it were found not to be, you would be within your rights to ask for a replacement that was.

HDY wrote:
  • Corry - your interventions, communications and professionalism have been exemplary and I cannot thank you enough. It is exactly the sort of premium standard I / anyone would expect from Sonos.

Thank you, and you are most welcome.

HDY wrote:
  • I would strongly recommend your Polish team goes through some extensive training

Mistakes happen. It doesn’t mean people need retrained. I don’t personally know how the warehouse operates as I have never been there, but they are busy people who know what they are doing. I don’t have the figures, but if you were one out of a hundred, does someone need retraining if they are 99% effective? Of course, I do appreciate that for the person involved, it’s not going to feel like things are going well, but there are systems in place to ensure sound operation in the majority of cases.

HDY wrote:

In the meantime I wish the Sonos team well in working through residual challenges faced by the business so that, as customers, we can enjoy the Sonos we want to love so much.



  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • January 26, 2025

@Corry P I too have a very similar experience. My return Arc was acknowledged as delivered to the facility in Poland on 13th January and I received an email stating that the replacement would be shipped in 1-5 days. After 7 biz days and no update, I contacted Customer Support to ask when I would receive an update and was told that they had escalated to the returns department.   It has now been 2 weeks and I still have had no response. Can you help resolve this for me please?

  • Author
  • Contributor I
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  • January 27, 2025

@User143940 I hope Corry can help you get this sorted out asap and am sure he or one of his colleagues will. You should not have to go through that sort of customer experience. 

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 27, 2025

Hi ​@User143940 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I am sorry to hear that you too have been waiting on a shipment. We do aim to do better.

I have found your case and can see a comment on it from - at time of writing - 48 minutes ago that the shipment has been “released” and that you should receive an email soon.

If you do not receive an email with tracking details by the end of the day, please let me know. Thanks.

I hope this helps.


  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • January 27, 2025

Excellent. Thank you very much for the update

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2025

@Corry P I have not had an email advising me of tracking details so I’m notifying you as requested.  Hopefully, you can help to escalate this and get my Arc returned to me.  



Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 28, 2025

Hi ​@User143940 

I am sorry to hear that - thanks for letting me know.

I asked a colleague to look into the situation for you and they informed me that I was a little enthusiastic yesterday about the timing - I was told it still looks as it should, and that it may take a little while longer. Please be assured that steps have been taken to get your replacement item to you, and that you should get an email with tracking information soon. I’ll just be a little less definite about when you’ll receive it. It should be soon now though.

I hope this helps.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2025

@Corry P thanks so much for getting back to me and I really appreciate your help and feedback on this matter.  Unfortunately, however, this is the response that the returns team are providing to customers on a regular basis and they don’t quantify what “soon” means.  My Arc speaker has now been on the road and at the facility for a month with no voluntary updates provided at all other than what I hear when I contact returns and from yourself.  This is, quite frankly, appalling customer service and this situation needs to be fed back into the senior management team as my experience, from what I read and hear, appears to the norm rather than exception.


Again, thanks for your support and fingers crossed.

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 28, 2025

Hi ​@User143940 

I do understand, and I will feed this back.

Please be aware, however, that when things go smoothly, no-one comes to the community to report as much - I assure you, this is not the norm.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2025

@Corry P thanks for all of ur help.  My delivery according to DHL tracking details, is due by end of day tomorrow!!  One question, how comes the delivery process to Poland took almost 2 weeks but shipment back to me can be completed in 1 day?  Is the supply local from the UK and not Poland.



Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • January 29, 2025

Hi ​@User143940 


User143940 wrote:

Is the supply local from the UK and not Poland.

Yes - that is it exactly. Units ship from the UK, but get returned to Poland as the UK has no Returns department. This is since Brexit - we used to just ship from Poland, and it did not take long.


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