I’ve owned Sonos product since 2012. Brilliant. Many have purchased on my advice. However, as of late, Sonos is insufferable.
My kit: two ZP:90s and a Move. Special note: my ZP:90s have always been wired Cat5e to my router, whereas “community” posts flagging up “Asus + Sonos” trouble are almost exclusively a WiFi setup.
My .FLAC music Library resides on a NAS also connected Cat5e.
Issues started 8-10 weeks ago. Except for (background) S1 controller updates which may have gone unnoticed, I had not pro-actively changed any equipment, wiring or configuration for over 12 months. My router is not set to “automatically” update firmware.
Problem. Sonos “Rooms” unexpectedly “disappear” in S1 controller. Unplug/re-plug ZP:90 to (temporarily) remedy. Repeat as necessary :(
Problem. Sonos’ TuneIn radio station playback stutter and/or stop-start and/or disconnect. Repeatedly.
Problem. Can’t reliably play music Library on NAS. Playback stutter. Playback stops mid-song then randomly resumes next song, next +1, +2, +? song. Playback stops altogether, ushers me back to top of song queue. S1 controller “freezes”. Error messages. “Unable to play [NAS library song]”. “Cannot find [NAS library]”. “Network connection speed insufficient to maintain playback buffer”. Etc etc. Re-indexing Library doesn’t help; deleting and reinstalling Library doesn’t help.
My router, an Asus RT-AC68U. Unfortunately, I did not write down my Asus firmware version when the above mentioned problems surfaced. What I did do is flash to the latest Asus RT-AC68U firmware (21-May-2021). Per Asus advice, I upgraded firmware, did a “factory reset”, and reconfigured my router from “scratch”. This did nothing to help.
Next, I swapped out my Asus router for an older router I had lying about. TP-Link Archer C7 V2, firmware 3.15.3 Build 180305 (15-Jun-2018). Stress test. Sent 2x .FLAC Library stream & 1x TuneIn stream to two ZP:90s and one Move. Result? Sixty (60) hours of continuous playback without a hitch. No “Rooms” dropped. TuneIn reception all good. Streaming .FLAC files from NAS without incident. No error messages.
A few observations when I swapped in the TP-Link router:
1. My S1 controller for iOS (an iPad Air A1474). With TP-Link in the mix, to my great surprise, and for the first time, an S1 mini-control on the iOS lock screen “magically” appeared! Who knew?
2. When the above mentioned problems surfaced, and still using the Asus router, I looked into “Settings > System > Products : ZP:90 #1 (and #2) > Connect” and discovered that both ZP:90s had “Enable Wi-Fi” checked. Hmm! Both ZP:90s have always been wired Cat5e, and showed in “About My System” status “WM:0”. Praying this “Enable Wi-Fi” setting was a source of conflict and the root of my problems, I tried to “Disable Wi-Fi”. No go! Sonos S1 controller message replied something like “you can’t do that unless your ZP:90 is wired to your router”. What?? But when I swapped in the TP-Link router, all changed. I managed to “Disable Wi-Fi” in both ZP:90s. Went to the relevant screen, selected “Disable Wi-Fi”, got “this may take a few minutes” warning, ZP:90 rebooted, Wi-Fi showed “disabled”, and both ZP:90s still on “WM:0”. Great – but why couldn’t I do this with the Asus router?
Last thing. By coincidence, my son also has an RT-AC86U and (on my advice) lots of Sonos kit. He has reported zero issues. So I rolled back my own Asus firmware to match his, (10-Mar-2020). Twenty-four hours later, no problems.
Clearly, my Asus RT-AC68U hardware has not failed.
This is a lot of detail. Apologies if the “community” thinks it ponderous – but I’m hoping (praying?) the Sonos thread moderator not. Perhaps my info moves the yardsticks towards a fix. Speaking of which …
What changed 8-10 weeks ago? Why is Asus suddenly a problem with my Sonos controllers/devices? Using older Asus firmware means I cannot benefit from a great number of security patches and router feature upgrades.
Who is going to take charge of giving a long-standing Sonos customer the solution?
I await with anticipation your reply and assistance.
My configuration details follows Best,
M.W., Ottawa, Canada
ZP:90 #1, hardware ver, series ID S100
ZP:90 #2, hardware ver, series ID P100
Move, hardware ver, series ID A100
Internet modem > Cat5e > Router
Router > Cat5e > Synology NAS (my .FLAC music Library)
Router > Cat5e > unmanaged 8-port switch >
Cat5e > ZP:90 #1 > audio cable > multi-room A/V receiver
Cat5e > ZP:90 #2 > audio cable > multi-room A/V receiver
Router > WiFi > Move
iOS S1 controller: v11.2.10 build 57719010
Android S1 controller: v11.2.10
BTW, re Asus router configuration. Both ZP:90s and Synology NAS assigned “static/reserved” DHCP addresses. Separate 2.4GHz & 5GHz SSIDs. QoS “disabled”. IGMP snooping “disabled”. Guest network “disabled”.
Also, NAS configuration. “SMB range: SMB1, SMB2, SMB2 and Large MTU, SMB3”.