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Problem: why does a library update kill the queue?

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After having installed the 13.4.1 update this problem occurs: a daily update of my music library at 11.50am removes the active queue in one of my rooms. Radio play in other rooms is not affected. The problem occurs repeatedly and can be reproduced.


Diagnostic: 78616423.


Please advice what to do. TIA.

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I’ve not heard of this issue before, a room queue does not have any direct bearing on the library indexing feature, as far as I’m aware. What does the room queue consist of and what Sonos product(s) is this happening to? What happens if you run the library-index manually via the App with the same/similar queue in place? Have you checked to see if the product(s) are perhaps coincidentally dropping off the network/rebooting for some reason, yet to be established. 

There are several ways to clear a room queue, for example it can be done by some third party Apps using the Sonos API - is it possible something else is clearing the queue to a similarly set daily schedule? 

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  • December 9, 2021
Ken_Griffiths wrote:

I’ve not heard of this issue before, a room queue does not have any direct bearing on the library indexing feature, as far as I’m aware. What does the room queue consist of and what Sonos product(s) is this happening to? What happens if you run the library-index manually via the App with the same/similar queue in place? Have you checked to see if the product(s) are perhaps coincidentally dropping off the network/rebooting for some reason, yet to be established. 

There are several ways to clear a room queue, for example it can be done by some third party Apps using the Sonos API - is it possible something else is clearing the queue to a similarly set daily schedule? 

Thanks for stepping in. The queue consists of music files from my NAS. It's happening to a Port, my system is on S2. If I re-index manually nothing happens to the queue in question. And, no, nothing is dropping off the network. As far as I know, there are no third partiy apps that use the Sonos API. I have a very straight forward system.


As soon as I got aware of the problem I tried to diagnose it by changing the daily time of indexing: didn't help, at the index moment the queue disappeared. Today I sent a diagnosis a couple of minutes after the event. I'm curious to know what Sonos will be able to make of it.



If your post isn’t  picked up here in the community (not all are, if Staff are busy), then note that you can also chat online to Staff via this LINK about your issue and diagnostic submission, at certain times of the day. If you do get an answer on this one I’d be intrigued to know what caused the Port queue to clear. 👍

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  • December 9, 2021
Ken_Griffiths wrote:


If your post isn’t  picked up here in the community (not all are, if Staff are busy), then note that you can also chat online to Staff via this LINK about your issue and diagnostic submission, at certain times of the day. If you do get an answer on this one I’d be intrigued to know what caused the Port queue to clear. 👍

Great idea. I opened 2 chat requests, one on the US site and the other on the NL site. Been waiting for almost 30 mins now…


  • 42600 replies
  • December 9, 2021

Odd. My library auto updates every night. Also running S2 and my queues are from my NAS, and I just checked, there has been no change of the queues on my system from last night. The only times I see this behaviour is when there is a firmware update for the speakers themselves, and they have to do a soft reboot. At that point, my queues always go back to a single ‘starting point’ in the queue. So, I see that happen every time the firmware updates, but only at that point. 

Are you seeing it daily?


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  • December 9, 2021
Airgetlam wrote:



Airgetlam wrote:

Are you seeing it daily?


Have noticed it several days, before I started tracking it. 

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  • December 9, 2021
beynym wrote:
Ken_Griffiths wrote:


If your post isn’t  picked up here in the community (not all are, if Staff are busy), then note that you can also chat online to Staff via this LINK about your issue and diagnostic submission, at certain times of the day. If you do get an answer on this one I’d be intrigued to know what caused the Port queue to clear. 👍

Great idea. I opened 2 chat requests, one on the US site and the other on the NL site. Been waiting for almost 30 mins now…


So much for Sonos Support Chat. Have waited 60 minutes on both sites, have got other things to do now. Grrrr.


Yes, similar to what Bruce mentions, the NAS library here indexes daily, but can’t say I’ve ever noticed it wipe a room queue - only time I’ve seen queues disappear, is where I either clear it manually, or reboot/power a player off/on again, or sometimes I use an iOS 3rd party App called ‘Soro’ that has the ability to do that sort of thing, amongst other tasks.

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  • December 9, 2021

I've reproduced the problem just now. Sent in diagnostics: 1347717970.

beynym wrote:

I've reproduced the problem just now. Sent in diagnostics: 1347717970.

What steps did you take to reproduce? I just simply tried this…

  1. I played an Album (Ed Sheeran A-Team) to my Sonos Port (called ‘Media Port’) from my NAS and opened and viewed its Queue to confirm tracks are there and paused the playback
  2. I then started the library indexing manually via "Settings/System/Music Library"
  3. At end of indexing, the Queue is still there.


Just to add I’ve also tried the above whilst the music is still playing from the NAS… the queue stays in my case, but I’m happy to try whatever steps to try to reproduce this and to try to help you get to the root cause of the issue.

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  • December 9, 2021

What I did was this:

  1. Put a Sonos Playlist in the queue of the room (the Port).
  2. Changed the time of the automatic library update to 5 minutes in the future.
  3. Waited 5 minutes.
  4. At exactly the time of the scheduled update the music stopped, the room with the Port disappeared for a second from the left pane of the desktop controller, then re-appeared without the queue.

That's it. I have repeated this procedure and every time the outcome is the same.

beynym wrote:

What I did was this:

  1. Put a Sonos Playlist in the queue of the room (the Port).
  2. Changed the time of the automatic library update to 5 minutes in the future.
  3. Waited 5 minutes.
  4. At exactly the time of the scheduled update the music stopped, the room with the Port disappeared for a second from the left pane of the desktop controller, then re-appeared without the queue.

That's it. I have repeated this procedure and every time the outcome is the same.

Ok I will try the same thing…

What does the Port’s Status LED show when this happens and is it always the same Sonos playlist, which I assume is a playlist of tracks held on your NAS?

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  • December 9, 2021
Ken_Griffiths wrote:
beynym wrote:

That's it. I have repeated this procedure and every time the outcome is the same.

Ok I will try the same thing…

What does the Port’s Status LED show when this happens and is it always the same Sonos playlist, which I assume is a playlist of tracks held on your NAS?

I did not check the Port's Status LED. The Sonos Playlist is indeed a collection of tracks from my NAS (a WD MyCloud Home).

  1. I created a Sonos playlist which I called  “Port Test Playlist’’ using the same ED Sheeran tracks for ease and then loaded that saved playlist into Ports queue again and began playing.
  2. I set a library index schedule 5 minutes ahead of local time 19.05hrs.  (I’m in U.K.) and the tracks continued playing ..queue stayed in place post indexing.


I’m wondering if something is causing the Sonos Port to reboot - I dont seem to be able to reproduce the issue here. I was hoping I could.

It might be the way the WD MyCloud NAS share is working (perhaps?) - What SMB version is in use? Have you got the files shared as read/write access? If so, maybe try them with read-only permissions, although I’m fairly sure Sonos does not write anything to the local library.

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  • December 9, 2021

Thanks for trying to find a solution. I think it's now up to Sonos to examine the 2 diagnostics I've sent them.

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  • December 9, 2021
Ken_Griffiths wrote:

I’m wondering if something is causing the Sonos Port to reboot

You might be on to something here. 

Ken_Griffiths wrote:

It might be the way the WD MyCloud NAS share is working (perhaps?) - What SMB version is in use? Have you got the files shared as read/write access? If so, maybe try them with read-only permissions, although I’m fairly sure Sonos does not write anything to the local library.

It's a WD MyCloud Home NAS. It has no configuration panel, therefore I can't know what SMB it's using. My music files are normal all the way, haven't changed the attributes since I got them, so that can not be part of the problem. And yes, Sonos never writes anything to the local files.


Well I’m sorry I couldn’t help reproduce the issue, maybe someone with the same NAS can perhaps check things out for you aswell. As you say the diagnostic report might perhaps reveal something too with the Port itself. 

Hope you get it sorted. If you do discover what the issue is, then perhaps post the outcome back here.👍

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  • December 9, 2021
Ken_Griffiths wrote:

If you do discover what the issue is, then perhaps post the outcome back here.👍

Will do.

  • 42600 replies
  • December 10, 2021

I log in to the control panel for my MyCloud device by just going to the IP address of the device in my browser. OS 5 (I think that’s what it is running) comes up with a page that allows me to look at and change such thing as (on the network page) SMB and NTML versions. 


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  • December 10, 2021
Airgetlam wrote:

I log in to the control panel for my MyCloud device by just going to the IP address of the device in my browser.

Sadly enough that's just not possible with a WD My Cloud Home NAS.

  • 42600 replies
  • December 10, 2021

What OS is it running? I’d have thought it would operate similarly as it does on the WD MyCloud Mirror that I have, despite the slight hardware differences. It seems odd for WD to sell a device that you can’t log on / in to to change settings. 

And I’ll admit I don’t log in to mine frequently, I had to peruse the WD site (via Google search) to ferret out how to log in to mine the other day. Turns out, the last time I had bookmarked it was before I had assigned it a reserved IP address, which made the link I’d saved not work properly. Had to look up the actual IP address in my router’s DHCP table, which is when I finally realized why the browser link wasn’t connecting. 

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  • December 10, 2021
Airgetlam wrote:

What OS is it running?

There's no way to determine that. The only info it shares is: WD Discovery v.4.3.336 and My Cloud Desktop v. The My Cloud Home NAS’es are quite different in many aspects from a 'normal’ My Cloud NAS.

Airgetlam wrote:

It seems odd for WD to sell a device that you can’t log on / in to to change settings.

Odd as it may seem, that's how it is.

  • 42600 replies
  • December 10, 2021

Would you be so kind as to post a link to the manual for this device? Would love to read up on it, and unfortunately, WD has a bunch of different ones, I want to be sure I’m reading the correct manual.


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