Hi @Ed Schlatter
Are you still having this problem? If so, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team so they can remotely connect to your computer and fix this for you.
If you want to take care of it yourself, you need to find a file in your music folder on your computer called "iTunes Music Library.xml" or “iTunes Library.xml” and rename it to have “.backup” at the end, then ask Sonos to update it’s music library.
When Apple changed from iTunes to the new Music app, they changed they way they save playlists too (no longer using this file). This resulted in Sonos being unable to import playlists. Now, the Sonos app reads Apple Music playlists and saves them in the file named above, so that when the speakers access the folder, they find the file and import playlists. Deleting or renaming the file forces the Sonos app to re-read the AM playlists and write them to a new copy of the file. As Apple Music no longer updates this file, yours might be out-of-date.
Please check Apple Music on your computer after making this change to make sure nothing has gone wrong with your playlists - if it has, undo the renaming of the file and get in touch with our technical support team.
I hope this helps.