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Windows Desktop Controller Problem

I have been using the Sonos Desktop Controller on my PC for a long time and it has always worked. Three days ago it suddenly stopped working. I have tried uninstalling the controller and re-installing new one. It continues to give me the same Windows error message. Is anyone else experiencing something similar? Solutions?

Best answer by Cinn

MWLauria wrote:
It says "Sonos Desktop Controller has stopped working" and then says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I have been using the Sonos Desktop Controller for a very long time and have never had this happen.

I had the exact same issue this week as well. Windows 7 x64 with the latest version of the desktop controller (7.2).

It looks like some incompatibility with the latest version of .NET Framework.

The problem started after Windows Update installed the important update:
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB3186497)"

I just uninstalled Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 manually (through Control Panel > Programs and Features), then reinstalled the previous version of .NET Framework (4.6.2) that I got from Microsoft's website (just google "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer)").

My Sonos Desktop Controller Program now starts up again.

Obviously, this is not a long-term solution - after all Microsoft made it an 'important' for a reason - but until Sonos fix the desktop controller so it plays nicely with .NET 4.7 it looks like the best option to get the desktop controller running again is to revert to .NET 4.6.2.
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23 replies

  • 1428 replies
  • June 16, 2017
MWLauria wrote:
It continues to give me the same Windows error message. Is anyone else experiencing something similar? Solutions?

Go on, give us a clue - or would you like us to guess what the error message is?

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • June 16, 2017
It says "Sonos Desktop Controller has stopped working" and then says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I have been using the Sonos Desktop Controller for a very long time and have never had this happen.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • Answer
  • June 19, 2017
MWLauria wrote:
It says "Sonos Desktop Controller has stopped working" and then says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I have been using the Sonos Desktop Controller for a very long time and have never had this happen.

I had the exact same issue this week as well. Windows 7 x64 with the latest version of the desktop controller (7.2).

It looks like some incompatibility with the latest version of .NET Framework.

The problem started after Windows Update installed the important update:
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB3186497)"

I just uninstalled Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 manually (through Control Panel > Programs and Features), then reinstalled the previous version of .NET Framework (4.6.2) that I got from Microsoft's website (just google "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer)").

My Sonos Desktop Controller Program now starts up again.

Obviously, this is not a long-term solution - after all Microsoft made it an 'important' for a reason - but until Sonos fix the desktop controller so it plays nicely with .NET 4.7 it looks like the best option to get the desktop controller running again is to revert to .NET 4.6.2.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • June 19, 2017
Thank you VERY much! I tried your solution and it WORKED! I had about 4 emails from Sonos Support and they did not seem to be aware of this problem or this fix. I am going to forward to them your email so that they can help out others with the same problem. I am now once again happily using my Sonos Controller from my PC (as well as my iPhone and iPad). Have a terrific day!

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 19, 2017
Glad I could help.

Be aware that because it's listed as an important update, Windows might try to get you to update to .NET 4.7 again whenever Windows Updates checks for updates.

If this turns out to be the case, you may want to hide the .NET 4.7 update until Sonos fixes the desktop controller.
There's info on how to hide and unhide updates over at Microsoft's technet site:

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • June 19, 2017
Thanks! I have forwarded your analysis to Sonos tech support in the hopes that they will work on a permanent fix to this problem. As you noted, .NET 4.7 probably has some important updates that I would prefer my PC to have but I also like using my Sonos Desktop Controller.

  • 31402 replies
  • June 19, 2017

After Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 installed on my Win8.1 box, the first time the controller was started it took quite a while to get going, sitting there displaying the logo/splash screen. Presumably some (re)compilation was going on behind the scenes. Since then the controller has started up as normal.

It does however suggest that the move to .NET 4.7 was not quite as smooth as usual for .NET upgrades.

  • Author
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  • June 19, 2017
Agreed 🙂

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 20, 2017
Just to add my voice to this. I have Windows 10 and the controller was sluggish so I reinstalled it and now I just jet the logo and nothing else happens. Are sonos seeking to solve this? Phone and table controllers work well

  • Enthusiast II
  • 63 replies
  • June 20, 2017
There is a new version of the desktop controller (i.e. 7.3) which I installed today but the problem with the desktop controller remains the same. I applied Cinn's solution, which works for me (thanks Cinn) but obviously that problem must be solved before our PCs get into some kind of (bigger) trouble....

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 26, 2017
C'mon Sonos. Fix this s*!T or at least acknowledge something is not working beyond your control. I keep threatening to dump this in the trash except I've paid so much for the 7 pieces of junk I have. There's nothing on their website that this is even an issue.

At least it still works on my other computer platforms.

1st world problems, yeah.

  • World-Class Superstar
  • 4164 replies
  • June 26, 2017
cartman743 wrote:
C'mon Sonos. Fix this s*!T or at least acknowledge something is not working beyond your control. I keep threatening to dump this in the trash except I've paid so much for the 7 pieces of junk I have. There's nothing on their website that this is even an issue.

At least it still works on my other computer platforms.

1st world problems, yeah.

It clearly isn't a widespread issue affecting many customers warranting a special note on the web-site. I suggest if you are having issues with this you give Sonos a call and they will endeavour to you out.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 63 replies
  • June 26, 2017
Stuart_W wrote:
cartman743 wrote:
C'mon Sonos. Fix this s*!T or at least acknowledge something is not working beyond your control. I keep threatening to dump this in the trash except I've paid so much for the 7 pieces of junk I have. There's nothing on their website that this is even an issue.

At least it still works on my other computer platforms.

1st world problems, yeah.

It clearly isn't a widespread issue affecting many customers warranting a special note on the web-site. I suggest if you are having issues with this you give Sonos a call and they will endeavour to you out.

There has been so far some 160 viewers here, and I do not think many care to repeat what has already been said. I talked to Sonos support people on the phone last Saturday and they were not aware of the issue although I had send them a link to this topic beforehand. They did not have an answer either - expect that 'they did not receive complaints about this problem'.... running around in circles?

  • World-Class Superstar
  • 4164 replies
  • June 26, 2017
HenriR NL wrote:
Stuart_W wrote:
cartman743 wrote:
C'mon Sonos. Fix this s*!T or at least acknowledge something is not working beyond your control. I keep threatening to dump this in the trash except I've paid so much for the 7 pieces of junk I have. There's nothing on their website that this is even an issue.

At least it still works on my other computer platforms.

1st world problems, yeah.

It clearly isn't a widespread issue affecting many customers warranting a special note on the web-site. I suggest if you are having issues with this you give Sonos a call and they will endeavour to you out.

There has been so far some 160 viewers here, and I do not think many care to repeat what has already been said. I talked to Sonos support people on the phone last Saturday and they were not aware of the issue although I had send them a link to this topic beforehand. They did not have an answer either - expect that 'they did not receive complaints about this problem'.... running around in circles?

You'd be better off asking in this thread, or a new one if any of the members can help your particular issue. Unfortunately it's gobbledegook to me so I can't help.

What I do know, however, is that it isn't a widespread issue as we haven't seen lots of threads (this is the only 1 and I think you're the 3rd person reporting it) so the chances of Sonos "fixing it" are remote.

To summarise. Post the full details of your Windows system that are relevant and request help (somebody may be able to advise) and forget about beseeching Sonos to fix it as you might be waiting a long time

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2017
I am also getting the problem from few days. The controller on windows 10 get hang & many times not responsive as it was earlier. Since many users might not be using latest Windows OS that doesn't mean this problem is not important.

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 45 replies
  • July 9, 2017

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • July 24, 2017
I'm having the same problems after my pc updated to the latest version of Windows 7 today (July 24, 2017). Exactly the same message as the original member, MWLaura. I cannot find out which version of the desktop controller I have as it never starts up! However, from Programs and Features in the Control Panel I see I have version 36.4.41272. All I'm trying to do is update the Music Library after adding some tracks, and using the pc is the only way I can do it as my CR100 controllers are too old now to do it!

I don't want to start fiddling with removing updates as that is likely to lead to all sorts of other problems. How do we get Sonos to fix this problem?

Same here, deinstalled the latest 4.6 Framwork from september 2017 and the controller works again. Thx for the hint !

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • November 2, 2017
same issue. now I have uninstalled, re-downloaded app and now getting this error (and I am the admin)

  • World-Class Superstar
  • 4164 replies
  • November 2, 2017
Dewy wrote:
same issue. now I have uninstalled, re-downloaded app and now getting this error (and I am the admin)

Might be worth running the installer as Admin. Right click and select "Run as Admin"

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • November 2, 2017
Have run as admin. get sam error.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 24, 2017
Dewy wrote:
same issue. now I have uninstalled, re-downloaded app and now getting this error (and I am the admin)

You need to restart your PC between uninstall and re-install. The installer simply can't write to the folder because it has been marked for deletion.

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