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LG OLED55CX magic remote not working with Playbar

Hi. I have just bought an LG OLED55CXPTA. The magic remote does not work to control the volume on my SONOS Playbar. 

I understand that the issue is because the Playbar requires an IR signal and the Magic remote uses Radio frequency. 

However I have found many solutions to this problem online for the LG C8 and C9 models to resolve the issue. However, the interface on the  LG CX models is not the same, it doesn’t give you the option to select a ‘Remote type’. 

On the CX models you can select SONOS as a manufacturer of soundbar in the Device Connection Settings, but this doesn’t make it work. I almost got it working by using the ‘Phillips’ option saying no to the power option and then a Vol+ option case up which worked with the SONOS app instructions and I could see the IR light flash on the SONOS unit when doing so, but then the SONOS app asked for the Vol- button to be pressed and that option wasn’t available on Device Connection settings. 

LG’s response is to simply say the SONOS Playbar is not compatible with their tvs. I know this cannot be the case as I almost had it working. 

Anyway, please can someone please tell me how I can get the LG Magic Remote for the CX to Control the volume on my Playbar?

Best answer by Rooney

Hi @Jean C. and @david82 and @JordyNoll 


LG have now resolved the issue with their latest OS software update (03.10.20). 

Now you just have to select ‘SONOS’ as the Manufacturer of your soundbar in Device Connection Seetings and that’s it, it just works. Nothing else to do either on TV or in SONOS app. 



Thanks for all your help anyway. 


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28 replies

  • Collaborator II
  • 80 replies
  • June 21, 2020

from your description it looks like you’re being guided to do the LG CX and the Sonos Playbar setup at the same time - is that right?

the setup is basically two separate steps:

  1. prepare the LG Magic Remote to send a known set of IR codes for volume +/- and mute
  2. prepare the Sonos Playbar to respond to those codes

if you can do each of those steps separately it should work. i tested it for a similar answer on a different thread on my Arc with an optical connection to an LG C9 and using either Sonos or Philips as the manufacturer worked for me. Sonos would be preferable since, well, its a Sonos but it should only involves 3 codes: vol +/- and mute.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 21, 2020

No, on the CX model, if you choose Sonos as the manufacturer it doesn’t give you any option to send IR codes. If you choose Phillips it only gives you ‘power’ and if you say that doesn’t work, it will then give you Vol+, which obviously works but then the Sonos app requires Vol- which is not available. 

I have watched videos online for how it works with a C8 and C9 model but it is a different interface/selections with CX

  • Collaborator II
  • 80 replies
  • June 21, 2020

for Sonos, the only remote option is IR so it should just complete the process and program the magic remote to send IR codes. once it is complete on the LG side you can then go to the Sonos config and complete that portion.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 21, 2020

No, doesn’t work on CX. 

LG say that for that option to work (i.e. selecting the manufacturer as SONOS) the soundbar has to be connected by HDMI (ARC), which obviously can’t be done with a SONOS Playbar as it doesn’t have an HDMI port. 

  • Collaborator II
  • 80 replies
  • June 21, 2020

so much for the "Magic" part.

since you had an issue with philips you might try another vendor - maybe samsung as a competitor to LG. :-)

Jean C.
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 1022 replies
  • June 21, 2020

Hello @Rooney,

Welcome to the Sonos Community and thank you for reaching out with your set up issue.

Have you followed the steps to set up the Magic Remote listed in our support page? 

Usually when you get to the “select a manufacturer” part, you will need to select a random company and go with it. We suggest using “Phillips” as it seems to work reliably. 

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 21, 2020

Hi @Jean C. 


Yes I have tried the instructions on the support page, However they are out of date for the LG CX interface. They are probably correct for the C8 and C9 interface, but the CX interface does not give an option to select a remote type. It simply has a requirement to test the function of buttons on the screen answering yes or no if they work. But these buttons don’t correspond to the button presses required on the Sonos app. 
Yes, selecting Phillips as the manufacturer did get me somewhere as one of the buttons presses required on the LG interface was Vol+ so that corresponded with what was required on the SONOS app and when pressed I could see the IR light light up on the Playbar so it was connecting in some way. But I can’t complete the set up that way because as I said the buttons presses required do not align with what is required from the SONOS app. 

LG’s response is simply to say that the SONOS Playbar is not compatible with the CX models of their TV’s as they say audio is to be connected by HDMI (ARC), which I do not believe is correct. 

A simple solution would be for The LG system to request the same button presses as required by the SONOS app. 

In the LG system if you select SONOS as the manufacturer it doesn’t give you any other options for set up. If you select Phillips (or from what I can see, any of the other manufacturers - I haven’t checked them all) you have to run the through the button press sequence on screen, starting with ‘Power’ and it asks you if it has worked or not, if you say yes, that’s it. If you say no to power the first time but then say yes the second time it then asks you to press Vol+ (On screen - not on remote) and then asks you if it works again. But that is as far as it goes and the Sonos app requests that Vol- and Mute is pressed, which you can’t do as this options are not presented on screen. 

There must be an easy solution to this seeing as I have seen the Magic remote light up the IR light as part of this process, so it can communicate with the Playbar. 

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 21, 2020

Or I guess maybe a simpler solution may be for the SONOS app to request the same button presses as the LG CX set up requests. i.e. ‘Power’ and ‘Vol+’ only. 

  • Collaborator II
  • 80 replies
  • June 22, 2020

hi @rooney, it still appears you are trying to do the LG Magic Remote configuration of the manufacturer simultaneously with the Sonos app. as you note, since the LG configuration sequence doesn’t have the same buttons that won’t be possible.

try just telling the LG configuration sequence that the button presses do work so it will configure the remote with the manufacturer IR codes you selected. then, after closing the LG Device Connector screen, go to the Sonos app and perform the configuration there. the Magic Remote should now be setup as whatever manufacturer you selected (go ahead and use Philips) so you should be able to press whatever button Sonos requests (Vol+ usually).

hope that helps.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 22, 2020


Thanks for your help, but I have tried that, it doesn’t work. The only thing that almost worked is as I described above.


On the new model LG tv’s (CX) there isn't an option to select Remote type, it is dealt with by answering the yes/no questions. I have now tried probably over a hundred different combinations of yes/no answers using Phillips and other manufacturers, in fact one of the other manufacturers actually works better, but the none of them actually work.


I have spoken with SONOS and they also couldn't resolve it. They say they are going to speak to LG.


The Sonos app requires, Vol+, then Vol- then Mute.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 23, 2020

I also have this issue with the LG OLED65CX + PlayBar. I’ve tried all combinations already and have come to one conclusion: in the current state the LG “Magic” Remote is unable to send out IR signals. I can only hope this to be a identified as a bug by LG soon, so they can launch a firmware fix.

Ah temporary solution would be to use a 2019 Magic Remote. This one can be configured with the PlayBar, but the downside is the compatibility with the CX range (or any 2020 LG OLED for that matter). The motion cursor doesn’t work and every time you press the wheel (OK button), it tries to register the remote and you get a message that the remote is incompatible. It does work however, the message is just annoying.

Jean C.
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 1022 replies
  • July 7, 2020

Hello @Rooney, In my experience it’s usually a two part process assuming that the Magic Remote in question physically has the ability to produce an IR signal. 

After you go through the process in the Magic Remote set-up (selecting Phillips then saying that the power on test worked) you then go into the Sonos app and complete the remote control set up separately.

Not all Magic Remotes have the necessary internal hardware to produce an Infra-Red signal. If your remote does not, you may need to find a second remote that is IR capable to control the volume as an alternative to the Sonos app and LG remote. 

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • Answer
  • July 8, 2020

Hi @Jean C. and @david82 and @JordyNoll 


LG have now resolved the issue with their latest OS software update (03.10.20). 

Now you just have to select ‘SONOS’ as the Manufacturer of your soundbar in Device Connection Seetings and that’s it, it just works. Nothing else to do either on TV or in SONOS app. 



Thanks for all your help anyway. 


Jean C.
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 1022 replies
  • July 8, 2020

Hi @Rooney,

I’m glad this issue has been resolved with an update from LG! 

Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have further thoughts or insight about this or other issues with Sonos.  

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • August 10, 2020

I have a sonos beam connected to an LG tv (running on the latest OS update)


When I use the LG device connector I do not get the sub menu to choose a Manufacturer.

The sonos app doesn’t recognize the  LG remote.

I’m stuck. What do I do?

Kyle A
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 798 replies
  • August 10, 2020

Hi @aner, welcome to the community.

Thank you for reaching out and I’ll be happy to assist you.

I would like to clarify, are you configuring the LG magic remote? if not, what is the remote’s model?

If LG remote, this process is only available for an Optical connection like our Playbar and Playbase or an Optical connection with the Optical adaptor.

I would like to know the connection type you’re using for the Sonos Beam.

If you’re using an HDMI connection, check for a CEC setting on the TV.

Also, for LG TV’s there’s the Simplink functionality; you could also check for this in the TV settings.

This setting allows the TV to pass the remote commands to the HDMI connected devices.

Update us with your findings.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • September 13, 2020


So this is kind of a strange one… bought an LGCX65 installed it yesterday, configures both the TV and Sonos to work together. 

It worked from the first time. Happy days. 

The day after (this morning) I have been greeted by a grey circle when I tried raising and lowering the volume with the magic remote.

After trying turning off the TV, resetting the remote, I did factory reset on the TV and configures all over again. Didn't change a thing. I tried the Philips trick, no luck.

Do y’all have a solution to this ? 

Kyle A
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 798 replies
  • September 13, 2020

Hi @Hadrienhk, welcome to the community.

I would like to confirm if you configured the Magic remote with these instructions.

If you did, take a diagnostic from the Sonos app; so we can check for errors.

Setting > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.


  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • September 13, 2020

Hi Kyle,

Thanks for the message. 

I did as close as I could as the UI is different with the new update.

Had to go on All settings> connection > universal magic control > then soundbar etc.

The worse is that I configured it with Sonos yesterday and it worked. 

The only thing I did differently is that I added an Xbox one to the HDMI 1.

Diagnostic : 258696549

Does this help ? 



Kyle A
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 798 replies
  • September 14, 2020

Hi @Hadrienhk, thank you for the update.

Yes, it helps, what happens if you disconnect the Xbox; does the remote start working again?

When you go to the remote set up in the Settings > System > Living Room > Remote Control setup.

What does it say? replace the current remote, or continues with setting up the remote?

Since you’re still unable to control the Playbar with the remote; try disabling the Simplink for the Optical connection. TV Settings > Sound > Sound Out  

I checked the diagnostic, the TV connection is fine. which will be the way the Playbar will receive the remote commands.

Since the Magic Remote is a Radio Frequency remote rather than an Infra-red remote.

Update us with your findings.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 17, 2020

I don’t want to confuse things here but we need a






to get the CX to work with a Sonos Playbar please 


my tv arrived yesterday it has software version 03.10.44 (UK)


I have tried separating the Sonos app and LG processes - didn’t work.


I have tied “Philips” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


i have tried “Samsung” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


I have tried “Sonos” manually searched option on the LG setup - didn’t work


A clear simple solution with the same setup we have i.e. a CX with this software and a Sonos Playbar would be all we need...please???!!!??





  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 17, 2020
SwissTone wrote:

I don’t want to confuse things here but we need a






to get the CX to work with a Sonos Playbar please 


my tv arrived yesterday it has software version 03.10.44 (UK)


I have tried separating the Sonos app and LG processes - didn’t work.


I have tied “Philips” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


i have tried “Samsung” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


I have tried “Sonos” manually searched option on the LG setup - didn’t work


A clear simple solution with the same setup we have i.e. a CX with this software and a Sonos Playbar would be all we need...please???!!!??





Hold that thought!


I've managed to do it finally!

what I did-



Part One - this should set up the TV/Remtoe to send an IR signal to Sonos Playbar


LG settings -


Additional Settings

DTV Audio Setting - Auto

LG Sound Sync - Off

Digital Sound Out - Pass Through


Part Two

LG Settings -


Device Connection Settings

Universal Control Settings

(I have no universal remotes setup here yet)

Connecting to a new device


Bluetooth/Sound Bar





Before pressing next on the TV make sure you have the Sonos app open at the following page-


Settings>System>(Room with Playbar)>Remote Control Setup>(Possibly will say “Replace current remote - if already set up to an old tv)>Continue

Back to the TV

this then should sync the Playbar and Remote/TV together 




Sorry if I have missed something at the end...I’m too scared to start this process over again just in case it doesn’t work again lol … it should be enough to get it working...I think the crucial part is the LG settings in part one.







  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • September 17, 2020
Kyle A wrote:

Hi @Hadrienhk, thank you for the update.

Yes, it helps, what happens if you disconnect the Xbox; does the remote start working again?

When you go to the remote set up in the Settings > System > Living Room > Remote Control setup.

What does it say? replace the current remote, or continues with setting up the remote?

Since you’re still unable to control the Playbar with the remote; try disabling the Simplink for the Optical connection. TV Settings > Sound > Sound Out  

I checked the diagnostic, the TV connection is fine. which will be the way the Playbar will receive the remote commands.

Since the Magic Remote is a Radio Frequency remote rather than an Infra-red remote.

Update us with your findings.

Yep... Unplugging the Xbox One seemed to have fixed it. I had to configure the remote again through the Sonos app only but it works now... 

Does that mean I cannot have both Xbox and Sonos working together ?

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 14 replies
  • November 14, 2020
SwissTone wrote:
SwissTone wrote:

I don’t want to confuse things here but we need a






to get the CX to work with a Sonos Playbar please 


my tv arrived yesterday it has software version 03.10.44 (UK)


I have tried separating the Sonos app and LG processes - didn’t work.


I have tied “Philips” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


i have tried “Samsung” option on the LG setup - didn’t work


I have tried “Sonos” manually searched option on the LG setup - didn’t work


A clear simple solution with the same setup we have i.e. a CX with this software and a Sonos Playbar would be all we need...please???!!!??





Hold that thought!


I've managed to do it finally!

what I did-



Part One - this should set up the TV/Remtoe to send an IR signal to Sonos Playbar


LG settings -


Additional Settings

DTV Audio Setting - Auto

LG Sound Sync - Off

Digital Sound Out - Pass Through


Part Two

LG Settings -


Device Connection Settings

Universal Control Settings

(I have no universal remotes setup here yet)

Connecting to a new device


Bluetooth/Sound Bar





Before pressing next on the TV make sure you have the Sonos app open at the following page-


Settings>System>(Room with Playbar)>Remote Control Setup>(Possibly will say “Replace current remote - if already set up to an old tv)>Continue

Back to the TV

this then should sync the Playbar and Remote/TV together 




Sorry if I have missed something at the end...I’m too scared to start this process over again just in case it doesn’t work again lol … it should be enough to get it working...I think the crucial part is the LG settings in part one.






Thanks Charlie! This worked for me, only issue was the mute button was not recognised so had to use another button but not worries, volume works!!


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 5, 2020

That worked for me too, Charlie. Thank you.

I hope it’s a cleaner solution eventually and it just works.

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