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Sonos Playbar + NVIDIA Shield TV Pro 2019 = Dolby Digital 5.1 from Plex / Netflix / Prime Video / Kodi apps


[ X-posted from /r/sonos forum on Reddit ]


I'm a long suffering Sonos Playbar owner who has wasted a lot of time and money trying to get 5.1 surround sound working from my Nvidia Shield TV 2015 edition. From the number of posts on the Sonos and Nvidia user forums I'm clearly not alone.

Last week I picked up the new Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 and I'm happy to report that the Sonos is now seeing DD 5.1 from all of the sources I mentioned above. This is confirmed both by my ears but also via the Sonos mobile app > System > About My System > Playbar TV > "Audio In: Dolby Digital 5.1"

My hardware setup: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 : HDMI Out --> HDMI In : Samsung TV UA65F9000AKXXS : Optical Audio Out --> Optical Audio in : Sonos Playbar

The new Shield TV Pro 2019 has new audio settings that the old model didn't and it is handling the conversion of pretty much any surround sound format into whatever audio formats the connected device can support, which for the Playbar is just AC3 (Dolby Digital). For me this just worked out of the box for the Netflix and Prime Video apps and with a few audio settings changes for Plex and Kodi.

Shield TV > Settings > Device Preferences > Display & Sounds > Advanced Sound Controls > Available formats:

  • Auto: Use the formats your audio device reports supporting (recommended)

  • Manual: Select which formats to use

  • None: Never use surround sound

I'm using the default "Auto" selection but if you select manual then you can toggle these options:

  • Dolby Atmos

  • Dolby MAT

  • AC3 (Dolby Digital)

  • E-AC3 (Dolby Digital Plus/DD+)

  • DTS

  • DTS-HD

  • AAC

  • Dolby TrueHD

Source Android TV app audio settings:

  • Plex - Username > Settings > Advanced > Passthrough: HDMI

  • Netflix - defaults

  • Amazon Prime Video - defaults

  • Kodi - System > System > Audio > Audio Decoder > Number of channels: 5.1

  • Kodi - System > System > Audio > Audio Passthrough > Allow passthrough [On]

The new Shield TV remote is also able to control the volume on the Playbar via the IR blaster built in to the remote and the setup for that was also straight forward.

If the Nvidia marketing team happens to read this you would be well served by making all of the above explicit in your product marketing materials because elegantly handling conversion of surround sound formats is a significant USP for this device.

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23 replies

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • November 22, 2019

Dear rossveitch_2, thank you for this very interesting post.

I have too a Shield Pro 2019 and a Sonos Beam with 2x Play 1 as surround and I confirm that it’s working perfectly and well supported as Dolby Digital 5.1 for NetFlix but unfortunately, under Plex, it’s working only with AC3 or E- AC3 movies.

Any DTS movies are still converted as Stereo under the Sonos app and not Dolby Digital 5.1.

This is not the case with Apple TV but with the Shield, any DTS movies are in Stereo and not Dolby Digital 5.1. grrrrrrrrr. I have well activated the HDMI pathrough on Plex, but no chance.

If someone can help me, that would be grateful.


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • November 29, 2019

I’ve been waiting for a post like this for years. Thanks!!!!

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • December 2, 2019

me too but still in stereo with Plex if movies are DTS encoded. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 5, 2019

Absolutely would like to see this. I haven't been able to figure out the optimal solution here. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • December 5, 2019

This would have to be fixed by Plex but I never found a fix on Plex’s forums…. If anyone can help us, that would be grate. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 29, 2019

I reverted back to using the settings I did on the Old Shield to force 5.1 on DTS using the settings from this thread:

Followed the rest of whats on here and glad to see better 5.1 support over the Optical cable.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2020

It doesn’t work too with Emby, DTS is converted to AC3 Stereo, sad…

I keep my script which converts all my DTS media to AC3 5.1, thank you Sonos!

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • January 30, 2020

Anybody know if the 2019 non pro model can do the same? 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 18, 2020

The 2019 non-pro does work with streaming.

Using it as a chromecast doesn’t work though - the audio ends up being stereo and dialogue is hard to hear (tested with Disney+). The remote is nice though and so I probably won’t miss casting too much.

Also, it syncs the audio better than a PS4. Lips were out of sync when we tried using the PS4 for streaming.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • February 19, 2020

THANK YOU BABY JESUS!!! Im upgrading my 2015 Shield to a Pro this weekend!  Thanks for posting!  Has anyone tested it for the Goggle Play Movies app?  If it also works for that I’ll be in heaven. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 21, 2020

Yep. I’ve tried Disney+, Google Play Movies, Prime Video, and Netflix. All correctly pass 5.1 to the tv which then goes to the playbar.

A little strangely, Netflix is the only one of those 4 that passes 5.1 correctly when used in chromecast mode. Especially weird that google play movies doesn’t work that way.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 29, 2020
weycon wrote:

Dear rossveitch_2, thank you for this very interesting post.

I have too a Shield Pro 2019 and a Sonos Beam with 2x Play 1 as surround and I confirm that it’s working perfectly and well supported as Dolby Digital 5.1 for NetFlix but unfortunately, under Plex, it’s working only with AC3 or E- AC3 movies.

Any DTS movies are still converted as Stereo under the Sonos app and not Dolby Digital 5.1.

This is not the case with Apple TV but with the Shield, any DTS movies are in Stereo and not Dolby Digital 5.1. grrrrrrrrr. I have well activated the HDMI pathrough on Plex, but no chance.

If someone can help me, that would be grateful.


Hi Weycon,


Did you ever find a solution for this? Was playing with my settings again but still haven't figure it out to do the transcodng. So I am still using the PLEX addon in KODI as then the audio is transcoded to AC3 properly for the SONOS Beam.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • August 9, 2020

To have Plex convert DTS to Dolby, you select “Optical” as the passthrough, and then you will get another option to select “Dolby” or “DTS.”  Select “Dolby” and voila, 5.1 on AC3, EAC3 and DTS!!!

Is anyone else getting Dolby Digital 2.0 output from Prime Video?  I have literally every other app on this thing that is able passing Dolby Digital 5.1 but Prime Video.  It passes 2.0 even though the content says it has 5.1.  Please let me know if anyone has a fix?

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 8, 2020

Jason_81: I am also getting Dolby Digital 2.0 when using Prime Video. I used to get 5.1. This happens on a Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. When I use the Sony TV Prime Video app, I get Dolby Digital 5.0. So I think it’s an issue with the Shield Prime Video app. Any luck on your end with resolving this issue?

  • 6092 replies
  • September 8, 2020

@21Salinger I remember reading somewhere you need to manually update the Prime app on the Shield.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 8, 2020

@106rallye thanks for the heads up. I tried updating the Prime app. I even deleted it an re-installed it, but still getting only Dolby Digital 2.0.

@Jason_81 properly tagging you on my original response. I am also getting Dolby Digital 2.0 when using Prime Video. I used to get 5.1. This happens on a Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. When I use the Sony TV Prime Video app, I get Dolby Digital 5.0. So I think it’s an issue with the Shield Prime Video app. Any luck on your end with resolving this issue?

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • September 8, 2020
21Salinger wrote:

@106rallye thanks for the heads up. I tried updating the Prime app. I even deleted it an re-installed it, but still getting only Dolby Digital 2.0.

@Jason_81 properly tagging you on my original response. I am also getting Dolby Digital 2.0 when using Prime Video. I used to get 5.1. This happens on a Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. When I use the Sony TV Prime Video app, I get Dolby Digital 5.0. So I think it’s an issue with the Shield Prime Video app. Any luck on your end with resolving this issue?

No, nothing I tried seems to work.  Disappointing but I guess it is what it is.  I was actually getting 5.1 on a rooted OG Shield TV.  Maybe it’ll get fixed by itself.  All other apps (Netflix, Disney+, etc.) give me 5.1 so I have no doubt it’s the Prime app itself, not the device.

  • 6092 replies
  • September 8, 2020

Just tested it on my 2019 Shield. Also no DD 5.1 on the Prime app. Not that I use the Shield for this, but it would be nice - Netflix does do 5.1....

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 113 replies
  • September 29, 2020

I don’t seem to be getting 5.1 sound on Netflix. No sound from the rear speakers. Tried an optical connection with my Beam and HDMI and changed settings on my 2019 SHIELD and my 2019 Sony TV to Dolby Digital, to no avail.

This is pathetic. Why isn’t this working?

Weird thing is, it works on Prime Video, but not on Netflix.

It works just fine on the TV itself, but not on the SHIELD. Really disappointing.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 113 replies
  • September 29, 2020
Jason_81 wrote:
21Salinger wrote:

@106rallye thanks for the heads up. I tried updating the Prime app. I even deleted it an re-installed it, but still getting only Dolby Digital 2.0.

@Jason_81 properly tagging you on my original response. I am also getting Dolby Digital 2.0 when using Prime Video. I used to get 5.1. This happens on a Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. When I use the Sony TV Prime Video app, I get Dolby Digital 5.0. So I think it’s an issue with the Shield Prime Video app. Any luck on your end with resolving this issue?

No, nothing I tried seems to work.  Disappointing but I guess it is what it is.  I was actually getting 5.1 on a rooted OG Shield TV.  Maybe it’ll get fixed by itself.  All other apps (Netflix, Disney+, etc.) give me 5.1 so I have no doubt it’s the Prime app itself, not the device.

What is your current setup and did you change any settings on your SHIELD and/or TV to get 5.1 sound working? The Sonos app shows Dolby Digital 5.1 but surround sound seems to be working with Prime Video but not with Netflix!

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 113 replies
  • September 29, 2020

Any more help with this? I really do regret buying into Sonos because of this!


I also found out that when playing content on Prime Video, it plays out of the back speakers, but the Sonos app shows Stereo 2.0.

Playing Netflix etc. on the TV itself never plays in 5.1. Only ever stereo 2.0.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • November 19, 2020

Just got my Arc today and spent ages trying to get the 2015 shield to work. Thanks for this got a 2019 shield on the way.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 113 replies
  • November 19, 2020
Subruti wrote:

Just got my Arc today and spent ages trying to get the 2015 shield to work. Thanks for this got a 2019 shield on the way.

Great choice, I hope you got the pro version instead of the tube. 
In case anyone’s interested, I managed to get 5.1 working with Netflix; the problem was in fact Netflix and not any of my Sonos devices. I’m a native living in Germany so I have a German Netflix account but watch content in English. Lots of content marked as ‘5.1’ actually only supports 5.1 in German, but not in the English language. What I did in the end was use a VPN to access American Netflix where content is thankfully available in 5.1.

The point I’m trying to make is that the SHIELD is a great choice in combination with Sonos speakers. There’s no settings that need to be changed on the SHIELD itself, everything works right out of the box (which is to be expected from a streaming device with a higher price tag).

Hope you enjoy your purchase!


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