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Symfonisk with playbar for surround?

Could 2 of the Symfonisk speakers be used with a playbar for a surround setup?

Best answer by Misfit

Yes. But it would need to be the same two Symfonisk speakers.

So 2 bookshelf or 2 lamps.

You cannot create surrounds with 1 bookshelf and 1 lamp.
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17 replies

  • Enthusiast II
  • 569 replies
  • Answer
  • August 2, 2019
Yes. But it would need to be the same two Symfonisk speakers.

So 2 bookshelf or 2 lamps.

You cannot create surrounds with 1 bookshelf and 1 lamp.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • August 7, 2019
I set 2 bookshelf’s up with my beam on Sunday and have been loving my LG C8 OLED More than ever, just need to add the sub now 🙂

Just piggy-backing on this topic so there's no new topic made --- if i buy the shelf Symfonisk speaker, I can play the same music on both my current Play3 and that one right? no surprises?

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • August 7, 2019
You’ll be cool to pair up the play 3 and bookshelf to play the same songs, the new speakers work as any sonos speaker would

G-Dawg wrote:
You’ll be cool to pair up the play 3 and bookshelf to play the same songs, the new speakers work as any sonos speaker would

great thanks!

  • 42459 replies
  • August 7, 2019
Just give be literal, you can’t “pair” any Sonos speakers with any other Sonos (or Symfonisk) speaker. You can group them.

In order to “pair” them, i.e. make them a stereo pair, they need to be the same model.

With the odd odd exception of the PLAY:5 gen 1 and gen 2, which can’t be set up as a stereo pair, it has to be two of the same gen. Confusing, no? 😉

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • August 7, 2019
Good clarification, I did mean group of
course, honestly

  • 42459 replies
  • August 7, 2019
Figured you did, but for others who might come across this thread, it seemed appropriate to be extra clear 🙂 Otherwise, they'd be blaming you for "mis-information" and "misleading" them. I have experience there....

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • August 30, 2019
I’ve read all above, and understand the difference between grouping and pairing. Here’s my question (that I don’t believe requires a new thread): What happens if I do group a Playbar with a Symfonisk Lamp and a Shelf? Would it work for music? For TV (surround)? Appreciate thoughts or guidance.

  • 27636 replies
  • August 30, 2019
Harbinger wrote:
I’ve read all above, and understand the difference between grouping and pairing. Here’s my question (that I don’t believe requires a new thread): What happens if I do group a Playbar with a Symfonisk Lamp and a Shelf? Would it work for music? For TV (surround)? Appreciate thoughts or guidance.

It will play any music source in perfect sync. For the TV source, the speakers will be delayed behind the audio on the Playbar, and they will not be playing surround info, they play exactly what is playing on the Playbar, just slightly later.

Ryan S
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 12372 replies
  • August 30, 2019
jgatie beat me, but for some added info...

@Harbinger, if you make a group, they'll all play the same music in sync, each one playing the same music. TV audio however will be a bit of a mess. The Playbar will play the full audio coming in. It'll send the same audio to the Lamp and to the Shelf. The two grouped speakers will be slightly slower than the Playbar, since they're not part of a home theater bonded setup, and instead will be playing their own versions of the same audio hitting the Playbar. It wouldn't give you surround, you'd be surrounded by mirrors of the same audio, potentially echos.

Ideally, you'd want to use two of the same Symfonisk type of speaker, bonded with the Playbar as surround speakers.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • August 30, 2019
Copy this. Thanks jgatie and Ryan S for your quick replies.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • December 26, 2019

Ciao a tutti, ho acquistato due lampade ikea Symfonisk ed una Sonos Beam collegata ad una tv lg su una porta hdmi arc, ho abbinato sull'app sonos tutti i dispositivi per il surround, solo che l'audio della tv si sente solo sulla Beam , invece ascoltando musica in streaming si sente su tutti i disponibili. 
Grazi mille

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 4, 2020

Hi! I have Beam and I try to setup my two Sonos Symfonisk (Bookshelf) to surrounds. I do everything right and it seems all is going well. Then came screen: ”Wait… This room speakers preparing to use together. This may take a while.” → Installation problem: preparation of the installation seems to be a problem. Check your internet connection or power on the speakers of this room. 


I tried also to pair Symfonisk together to test listening music and they work fine. But I can get them to work wirh Beam for surround speakers.


Help please!

Ryan S
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 12372 replies
  • February 4, 2020

Hi Magee, this is probably something best worked on live with a technician. For basic troubleshooting, try setting up the Beam and each of the Symfonisk speakers as separate rooms first. Then in the Sonos app, go to Settings for the Beam and add surrounds. 

If that’s not doing the trick, you can submit a diagnostic and post the number here, or just reach out to the team directly and someone can help you directly.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 5, 2020

Hi, thanks for your quick respond. I just did and tried what you suggested: reset all these three sonos speakers, setting them up the Beam and each of the Symfonisks as separate rooms. That was ok. I tested that I can play music from each of these speakers alone. So all was good. Then in Sonos app I went to settings for Beam-room for adding surrounds. All seems to going well. The surrounds installation went ok but then ´preparating together´ step came same messages than above: installation problem…


Now Beam worked but the two Symfonisks are queit. In the Sonos app, there is Living room (+?+?) Beam. I also tried funktion: find missing product. With that Sonos app could recognise the Symfonisks. Then in the Sonos app, there is Living room (LS+RS). But still only Beam worked and make sounds. I tested that with Dolby 5.1 movie but only Beam makes sounds. I also tried Trueplay for Living room (LS+RS) but only Beam makes sounds again: ”Speakers is missing! Nothing is heard from one speakers. Make sure you are in same room and all speakers are power on.”


Is there any options that I could do? Now I have used three evening to try to setup these surround systems.

  • 42459 replies
  • February 5, 2020
Ryan S wrote:

If that’s not doing the trick, you can submit a diagnostic and post the number here, or just reach out to the team directly and someone can help you directly.


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