Stuck with Old Device in S2 App

  • 14 February 2021
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello - wondering if someone on the forums could help me.


I have been a Sonos customer since 2009 and have accumulated a number of devices that are incompatible with the S2 app. I have been happily continuing on with using the S1 app until I recently ordered a new Five and regrettably, failed to memorize the extensive list of caveats and gotchas associated with trying to buy a new Sonos product (otherwise I would have remembered not to buy any more Sonos products).

Long story short, I reluctantly decided to split my Sonos system into two, removing my legacy products and settling on use of S2 for the newer stuff. Having removed them all from my system, I powered down my S5s while I attempted to sell them. Since that time, the S2 system has been working fine.

Today I successfully sold the S5s and powered them up to perform a factory reset before handing them off to the buyer.

When I got home, I went to fire up my S2 system and found to my surprise that those S5s are now listed in my S2 app but are noted as ‘incompatible’. Clicking on the link to remove them (which, unfortunately just takes you to a support page instead of, you know, removing them) provides a set of instructions that don’t work. It tells me to go to settings->system->”system tools”->remove

Not only is there no ‘system tools’ option but there is no option to remove devices. It helpfully suggests factory resetting the devices, which of course I have already done once, but cannot do again because I have sold the devices.

On top of that, I am getting a notification that I now require a system update, which of course I can’t perform because of the incompatible products.

Can anyone offer me any advice on how I can remove these incompatible products, which I have already removed once from my system but no longer have physical access to?


Also, I’d really like to find a productive outlet at my frustration with Sonos as a company. There was a time when I would have cheered their stock price but no more - this whole exercise in the forced upgrade has been miserable.



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5 replies

Userlevel 7

Try resetting the S2 app under App Preferences, then close and re-open the app.

Userlevel 3

Thank you, I tried that but it didn't help. 

Userlevel 7

Can you still see the S5s in the S1 app?

Can you still see the S5s in the S1 app?

And does the S1 app have a system tools in the system settings?

But this is weird.  Normally any Sonos device will disappear from the app if the device is simply powered off or not on the same subnet as the controller.  I would try powering off your router, all Sonos devices and the controllers.  Fully power up the router, then the speakers, then the controllers.

I am certainly not guaranteeing that this will work, but worth a try.