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I turned on my Sonos system this morning and . . . nothing!

Things were a bit weird in the past weeks, since I got the iPhone 16, and even stranger when they put an update iOS 18.2.1 on it.  

I got signed out of ALL my Sonos options, though Amazon Music and Sirius were still there and the speaker system still worked.  Then this morning (2024.01.20), it all crapped out.

I basically had to delete the app’, unplug the Sonos router, and all the speakers and start over from entering my wifi router.  

Kinda sucked!  And took an hour and then some before everything was back online.  ‘Need my music in the morning!  ‘Not sure if the blame goes to Sonos, the iPhone 16 or to Apple.  

(Still cannot sign into the Sonos stuff.  I try and it keeps coming back to “Sign in as Owner.”  But, I AM the owner!)

Sometimes when updates are done, the restart process can result in duplicate ip addresses being issued. This can make speakers inaccessible. A fix for this is to do a restart of all your devices and your router, and then setting fixed/allocated ip addresses for Sonos devices. Your router manual should tell you how, or post your router make/model and someone may be able to guide you through it. 

Please save factory resetting for a last resort, after calling Sonos support.

It rarely solves an issue, it may hide it for a few days, it makes a lot of extra work for you and it wipes all support data Sonos could use to help you.

I also recommend assigining static/reserved IP addresses, then power down all, power up router and Controller then Sonos devices.

Please save factory resetting for a last resort, after calling Sonos support.

It rarely solves an issue, it may hide it for a few days, it makes a lot of extra work for you and it wipes all support data Sonos could use to help you.

I also recommend assigining static/reserved IP addresses, then power down all, power up router and Controller then Sonos devices.

Umm . . . Thanks, Stanley_4!  Problem is I’m a “newbie” at Sonos and its behaviors.  And, my Windows 11, isn’t all that stable (but that’s a whole ‘nother thread on Microsoft.) 

Needless to say, that’s a good idea.  I pray I can use desktop to assign these.  I sure hope what happened today won’t happen again.  I definitely look into assigning addresses and use your method.  It sounds a lot less hellacious than what I went through this morning!  Thanks!


I also recommend assigining static/reserved IP addresses, then power down all, power up router and Controller then Sonos devices.


Needless to say, that’s a good idea.  I pray I can use desktop to assign these.  I sure hope what happened today won’t happen again.  I definitely look into assigning addresses

You need to change settings on your router, as I said in my earlier reply, but you should be able to access this from your pc. If you’re unsure how, tell as your router make/model and we might be able to help (as already said).

IP addresses are assigned from your router, usually a web page called DHCP Settings or the like. It should have instructions linked in there.
