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I switched my complete system BOSE 900 Ultra to your product to Arc, 2 Era 300 and 2 Sub Gen3 knowing that you guys deliver a quality product but with this new update of your application, it sounds like BOSE deliver more quality and much better sound. 

I see a lot of open discussion about the current issue and I don’t see any of your representative from your technical groups acknowledging that this is a problem and even in your known issue’s site the TruePlay is not even mentioned, just so you know not only TruePlay is not working even the toggle On/Off of Sub is also not working. 

How come in your upper department or executive level be able to approve such a release of half-baked software. 

You guys need to respond and address this issue.


Well, I’m giving the app one more week to be updated with at least some of the bug fixes. I just purchased two Gen3 Subs, the Arc and two Era 300s for surround sound. I’ve had them for about two weeks and I am so disappointed I can’t even begin to relay the amount of frustration I have with them. The app is crap, I had to completely reset the system three times just to get them setup the first time. Then the Trueplay does not work, and now one of the Era 300 speakers is overheating. Unbelievable. It would be much different if this was a low end product. It is supposed to be the best out there, and when you pay the kind of money they charge for them they should be bending over backwards to make sure their products are worth it. But no, no acknowledgment or updates to fix any of the issues. If you try to call the help desk you’re faced with over an hour wait, just to get someone on the line. That alone should tell you there are major issues if their help desk is that loaded. I am very thankful that I have the ability to return them, and return them I will. I guess the Bose system is much better since it actually does what it’s supposed to and you at least get what you’re paying for. What a shame Sonos!! You aren’t just dropping the ball, you’re not even showing up to the game!

Blown away that Sonos is not addressing this implosion of their app on their site or on this message board.  Dead silence. . . 


Either this gets fixed in the next few weeks or loyal customers like me are going to bolt.  And I feel terrible about introducing Sonos to my family and my work.


There will be a point of no return and Sonos will disappear into obscurity and will become a HBR case for a failed app launch that killed off an entire company.  Won’t be the first nor the last.


Few more weeks and then I need to find a system that actually works.