I am looking to add a second-hand speaker to my system. I‘ve encountered multiple fraudulent offers on online market places. One of the quick and easy safeguards I have begun using to determine an offer‘s legitimacy and accuracy is the devices serial number - usually there is already a picture showing it, or sellers are readily sharing this information as it doesn‘t contain private information.
With the SN, I then contact Sonos support and get the date of first registration. A date, nothing else. No identifiable information.
This worked twice in the past week. Customer service was fast, uncomplicated and helpful. Both times I (unfortunately) discovered that the sellers had provided false information on the device age (or to be precise: date of first registration - I‘m aware that I can read the manufacturing date straight from the SN without contacting support).
Today, two separate customer service reps have rejected my request, stating that this information cannot be provided due to Sonos’ data protection rules. So I‘m wondering: which one is it? Is customer service allowed to share this information, and if so, why isn‘t this known to all reps? Or is this not allowed, and then why do some reps share these data? I appreciate data protection, but I don‘t understand how the registration date compromises anyone‘s privacy.
Please clarify Sonos‘ stance. I‘d appreciate to continue being able to get these dates - they prevent fraud and increase my willingness to extend my Sonos network with additional devices, be they new or used.