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Hi There,

Could someone help me with my Sonos Move i recently purchased.


My whole sytem is now running on the S2 controller, and the newly added Sonos Move was successfully added to the Wifi network.


But i have 3 different Wifi networks around the house, as i do not have coverage from one network on its own.


Therefore when i move out of rang of the network that the Move is configured to, it becomes unavailable on the App.


I need to configure the Move with the 2 additional Wifi networks, so it can maintain connectivity whilst being moved around the house.


How can i do this??


Hi @Irfanpvt.

Welcome to the Sonos community and thanks for reaching out to us I understand your situation and would want to help out.

I would like to recommend the following steps accordingly to see if it would help out.

  1. Using your mobile controller, connect your mobile controller to the desired Wifi Name where you wanted to connect the Sonos Move.
  2. Remove the Sonos Move from the charging bay and place the charging bay next or near the router where you wanted the Sonos Move to connect.
  3. Place the Sonos Move on the charging bay.
  4. Open the Sonos app go to settings » system » find missing product and follow the prompts.

I hope this helps.

Please let us know how it goes. We are always here to help.
