I have seen lots of topics all around the same thing - Sonos Move not playing. This seems wrong to me for such an expensive product. Are Sonos looking into this and trying to determine what the bug is because it can’t be a coincidence that so many people have the same issue.
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- Sonos Move is temperamental - Are you doing anything about it?
Sonos Move is temperamental - Are you doing anything about it?
- April 30, 2022
- 28 replies
- Contributor I
Best answer by Corry P
Hi Everyone!
With the release of update 14.10, we now consider this issue resolved. Should you continue to have related problems, please ensure your Sonos system is up to date, then get in touch with our technical support team if problems continue.
Thank you.
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28 replies
- 42590 replies
- April 30, 2022
I think the challenge is that it’s not all the same issue, there’s lots of variations, so there is no ‘silver bullet’ solution. Each case needs different handling. And in most resolved cases I’ve seen here on these forums, the issues have ended up being something not in Sonos’ control.
- Lyricist III
- 44 replies
- May 6, 2022
A recent problem I’ve been having since the last software update - Move regularly stops responding after being left not playing music a while.
As far as I can tell, mine remains on the network but not responding on its various HTTP service ports.
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 6, 2022
Yes I too have been having this issue. Sometimes music plays but there is no way of stopping it other than turning the device off. It eventually resolves but I have not had the time or patience latley to raise the issue.
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 7, 2022
The issue with the latest update does seem to be experienced across the board if you do a little bit of searching.
Something has definitely gone amiss with Suspend mode. The only way to wake a Move after it's not been playing music for a while is to power cycle it.
Have had to power cycle mine twice this morning when I paused the music.
Have done a little RCA and it doesn't matter if the Move is grouped or not with other speakers. After a specific period of not playing music (either on or off the base station) the Move wont play music but still reports itself to the Sonos App.
Turning off and on resolves the issue.
- 21947 replies
- May 7, 2022
The issue with the latest update does seem to be experienced across the board if you do a little bit of searching.
Something has definitely gone amiss with Suspend mode. The only way to wake a Move after it's not been playing music for a while is to power cycle it.
Have had to power cycle mine twice this morning when I paused the music.
Have done a little RCA and it doesn't matter if the Move is grouped or not with other speakers. After a specific period of not playing music (either on or off the base station) the Move wont play music but still reports itself to the Sonos App.
Turning off and on resolves the issue.
Just to clarify, Is this with the new ‘battery saver’ feature switched ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’?
- 21947 replies
- May 8, 2022
Battery saver mode is OFF (unfortunately)
Perhaps try toggling the switch on/off and then just leave it off and see how it goes. When I get chance I will try it here too.
- 21947 replies
- May 9, 2022
Last night and most of this morning I have been checking the Sonos Move here at home, both with the ‘battery saver’ feature ‘off’ and ‘on’ and all seems to be working ‘as designed’ or stated in the Sonos support documentation.
I’m not seeing any difficulties waking the device from either a button press, or by opening the App on the LAN subnet, when in sleep/standby mode …and it does power on normally from a ‘powered off’ state when using it with the battery saver feature ‘on’ or off ‘too’. I’ve tested that by letting it power off using the battery saver and manually powering it off with the top rear button.
So all appears to be fine here in my own testing. I can’t reproduce the issue you mentioned.
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 13, 2022
Since 14.6 my Moves have been near useless. Today only one playing sounds although it shows in the app as working fine.
diagnostic 1038269150
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 14, 2022
Adding that this is a known problem evidently.
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 19, 2022
Let’s be clear this is a problem Sonos created with the last update.
Here i an two hours later. Moves playing, or so the app thinks. However not a peep emitted from either speaker.
I’ve been round the circle of factory reset before, all to no avail. They will eventually kick into life, albeit briefly and then way out of sync with each other.
I’m all too familiar with Network issues and so went to a lot of trouble to ensure a stable system. Now however Sonos has seen fit to brick two very expensive speakers in an Update. So for coming onto a month and approaching summer I have non functional Garden speakers.
- 21947 replies
- May 19, 2022
Does this issue only happen after the Move falls asleep off it’s charger for a particular lengthy time period? Is it happening with the battery saver feature ‘enabled’, or not.
It was just a case I’ve been using a single Move quite a lot today, but did not encounter the issue, but that said, I’m thinking I may not have held it in ‘sleep-mode’ long enough for the issue to kick-in in my case. I just thought I would perhaps see if I could reproduce the issue and report back.
Also have you tried it with the battery saver ‘off’ and ‘on’, just to see if that may make any difference?
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 19, 2022
No I’ve not touched the battery saver setting for the Moves and it’s definitely off. Although they do seem to power down even with over 50% battery, this i suspect part of the issue.
Yes it’s more frequent off the charger but once the issues start it’s a painful round of on off processes and resets, and sometimes they will start working. But in the middle of a family Wake these processes raise the anger within. I’d gladly drop kick the f****** things into the nearest river.
To add, yes I toggled the saver function when this first started. And also thank you Ken, your ideas are much appreciated.
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 19, 2022
It’s as a stereo pair that the problems seem greatest. One speaker seems to fail first, the right one persistently. Then trying to sister then Disney work then often one speaker will continue to play with no way of stopping it other than a long power button press.
it’s basically a mess.
- Local Superstar
- 2567 replies
- May 19, 2022
Both my moves working fine
I know, it’s affecting a significant number of people, and Sonos acknowledged there is a problem, not sure quite what triggers it though.
- 21947 replies
- May 19, 2022
It’s as a stereo pair that the problems seem greatest. One speaker seems to fail first, the right one persistently. Then trying to sister then Disney work then often one speaker will continue to play with no way of stopping it other than a long power button press.
it’s basically a mess.
Really sorry to hear about the ‘family Wake’ - my condolences.
It’s a bit late this evening to test (I’m in the UK too), but tomorrow I will stereo pair the two ‘Moves’ I have here and see what happens off their charger-loop (see if they go out of sync/power off etc.) or what happens when they're allowed to ‘sleep’ and are woken up, with their battery saver feature disabled. I will see if I come across a similar issue and let you know.
The fact one of your ‘Moves’ is showing 50% battery level and is presumably suddenly powering off, doesn’t sound right either. There is a ‘quick battery check’ (somewhat limited) feature via this web-interface-link shown below for the ‘Move’ it perhaps may show some helpful information…
http://[IP address of Move]:1400/status/batterystatus
Anyhow I will come back to you tomorrow.
- Lyricist III
- 9 replies
- May 20, 2022
Since the 14.6 update, the Move has been practically useless. I have to putz with it doing different resets, etc just to get it to play anything. Every stinking day!
Hey Sonos, how about letting us revert to the previous firmware that actually worked?
But someone will say that you can’t downgrade firmware. Hey! Just take the old firmware and change the version to 14.7 and let us update this doorstop and be able to use it again.
And while we are listening to music on our Move that actually works not, then you can go on a bug hunt to figure out where you screwed up.
Hey Sonos! This is not that hard to fix. Please pay attention to your customers or we will not use your products.
- 21947 replies
- May 20, 2022
Earlier this morning, I put together a stereo pair of Moves (room called ‘Moveable’) each off their charger-loop, which I will let play/stream to for an hour or so, just as a test here. They’ve both been playing okay so far (touch wood). I plan to then stop the music and let them fall asleep with their battery saver feature ‘disabled’ and see what happens after that.
Diagnostic with all setup/working:1807613955

- 21947 replies
- May 20, 2022
I have just seen
Meanwhile the stereo Moves here have played fine for over an hour before I paused them and I’m just waiting for them to sleep (with App closed) before trying to bring them awake.
- 21947 replies
- May 20, 2022
In my case both Moves in the stereo pair drifted off to sleep and were woken when I reopened the Sonos App. On pressing ‘resume’ (play button) neither speaker output any audio but we’re showing as playing in the App. I selected another track within the existing speaker queue and the left speaker in the pair began playing and outputting audio.. I could not get the right speaker in the pair to output its audio.
I cleared the queue and starting another playlist, but the left Move only continued playing.
Some diagnostic reports were taken during this process: 1332966637 and 2010538724
I’ve not tried to fix the issue at this stage, but as the issue is acknowledged I will perhaps leave the matter there and just wait for the fix.
edit: Quickly separating the stereo pair and re-pairing the Moves fixed the audio output to both in my case. Diagnostic Report: 21135818
- Sonos Staff
- 8550 replies
- May 20, 2022
Thanks for finding this other thread for me!
Your diagnostics fit the documented pattern for the recognised issue. Thanks for performing those tests to help out your fellow community members - sorry I didn’t confirm the problem before you went to the trouble!
To save on any thread-jumping, here’s the suggested workarounds:
- Move the volume slider a bit either up or down in the Sonos App
- Tap the hardware volume control on the speaker itself
- Pause and resume playback (press pause, then play)
- Wake the portable speaker with a button press before opening the Sonos App
Edit: It’s not clear if those steps would help a stereo pair - I would expect those involving hardware buttons would need to be repeated on each speaker.
- 21947 replies
- May 20, 2022
No problem
- Sonos Staff
- 8550 replies
- Answer
- June 22, 2022
Hi Everyone!
With the release of update 14.10, we now consider this issue resolved. Should you continue to have related problems, please ensure your Sonos system is up to date, then get in touch with our technical support team if problems continue.
Thank you.
- Contributor I
- 6 replies
- June 23, 2022
The issue persists. I noticed following:
On a mac mini I use Apple Music… when I select my Sonos Move via Airplay, no sound! It disconnects after 4 seconds.
As soon as I use the play button on the sonos move, it plays the song from Apple Music but like independent from the App. The App shows me that the song didnt start to play and whatever I do there it has no effect on the move.
To be honest I dont get it!
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