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After spending a lot of money on SONOS, among other things, for its advertising of ease of use and versatility... looking for a solution for my need, I found the unpleasant surprise


that there is no possible solution: you cannot "easily switch" your pair of Sonos ERA 300 to use them in a home cinema system and in another stereo. 

How can this be possible in 2025? 
Does SONOS plan to meet this demand at some point or is it not even considering it?




I’d go with “not considering it” there are many topics here discussing why it isn’t likely to be done if you want more details.

But the “home cinema” setup will play music quite well. And you can adjust the relative volume of surrounds when playing music, so there are settings to try. 
Or, if you’re in the Returns window, send them back for a refund. 

One has to ask, if it were easy to switch between the two, why would the procedure to add/remove surrounds take so long in the first place?  I highly doubt Sonos is adding a wait(60000) in the code just for kicks.  The fact is, the procedure takes time because the radio configurations are significantly different for each connection, and the handshakes needed to get that configuration optimized make an “easily switched” toggle between the two impossible. 

Why ask something from Sonos that they do not advertise and you would not ask from a non-Sonos home cinema set up? Especially since the way the Sonos system is set up would mean there’s a lot of work involved to get this done, making Sonos more expensive for a small (but vocal) minority. All while if Sonos would succeed in this, they would sell less speakers.
