The recent combination of announcements - Bridges being made obsolete, the 30% discount in return for bricking a speaker and now the outmoding of the origins Play 5 makes me wonder if the entire ‘smart speaker’ business is going. I have a Play:5 and a Play:1 at home, and none of the rest of my family have any interest in using them. My wife listens to the radio or music via her iMac while working, while my two teenage daughters prefer Bluetooth speakers or just headphones while listening to music. Having Spotify and Broadband means they can stream whatever they like, whenever, so the idea of loading music onto the NAS drive seems pointless to them. It seems that just about every other connected device has the ability to play music now - whether a phone, a tablet or a TV, and software like Airplay means we can route that where we want, using any convenient combination of hardware and software that we want to use.
The recent Sonos announcements suggests to me that the idea of tying yourself to a manufacturer who only offers a tightly controlled ecosystem of hard and software is the issue here - great while it works, but an almighty headache when they decide to remove or degrade functions for the sake of new features.
While it had been great, I think my future will be with assembling systems that separate out these parts, so I am not faced with complete replacements - a bit like the difference between the old music centres versus hi-if separates?