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Hi all,

Hoping someone can help. I have the sonos arc ultra, roam 2 and three of the era 300 speakers. They all set up fine, connected to wifi etc, and Alexa works fine. However, if I try to add sonos voice assist I get an error message saying that there is “still a problem adding Sonos Voice Control.” This occurs on all devices. They are all showing up as connected to the WiFi. I’d prefer to use the sonos voice control over using Alexa for privacy reasons, and it’s really frustrating me! The app was only downloaded yesterday and is definitely OS S2. I’ve tried rebooting everything, mics are on, Alexa works perfectly. Not sure where to go from here.



Huh. There’s nothing I can think of that could be blocking the installation of SVC, save some sort of port blocking efforts, and even that’s a stretch, as SVC is local only, and I think you’re merely enabling it, rather than installing it. But I’d still double check for VPNs, pi-holes, virus protection, or work profiles first, before calling Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

Oh, I would double check that all devices are up to date, too. It’s a stretch, but wouldn’t hurt. 

Hi, were you able to make this work? I am having the same problem with Roam 2.
