I am a long time Amazon Music + Assistant user on my Sonos One, and am attempting to change to Apple Music. Since my listening workflow is calling out songs or bands using voice-control, which works fairly well with Amazon, I am trying to use the Sonos Voice Assistant with my new Apple Music sub.
Here is my problem -- accuracy is ABYSMAL for me so far! I’m not seeing this complaint often online, so I wonder (and hope) I am doing something wrong. The Sonos Assistant is using Apple Music (in fact I disconnected Amazon entirely from Sonos to make sure it wasn’t causing issues), but nearly all of my requests are failing entirely or being mistaken. Here is a sample workflow:
- Q: “Hey Sonos. Please the song ‘Solitary Man’ by ‘Crooked Fingers’”
- A: “Sorry, I didn’t understand what you asked for. Do you want to play something by Crooked Fingers instead?”
- Q: “Hey Sonos. Play the song ‘Solitary Man’
- A: Plays ‘Solid Men to the Front’]
- Q: “Hey Sonos. Play the song ‘Solitary Man’
- A: Plays ‘Solitude’]
Repeat ad finitum (with just about every song I try). I’d say 50% of requests fail with “I don’t understand -- use the Sonos app”, and another 40% play something entirely different from what I asked for. ALL of these songs by the way are in Apple Music with the titles/artists I am requesting, and I am enunciating as clearly as I can.
Is there any way to troubleshoot these extreme accuracy issues? Is there any other way to get voice control by song title on Apple Music through my Sonos One? Am I destined to keep Amazon Music forever?
Any help would GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!