Sonos Voice Control is excellent. It just works and does exactly what I need for my Apple Music account. I also listen to Qobuz, Spotify and BBC Sounds regularly - any idea if or when they might be added to Sonos Voice Control?
Re Spotify (which seems like an insanely big gap..) you can vote in the Spotify list here
The Spotify team have a really good and open policy tk at least consider ideas based on number of votes, so all that want this, go vote. (personal opinion, this is a commercial, not technical problem)
Why on earth didn't they even start with Spotify??? Another gigantic vote for Spotify please!!!
There is no technical reason to not support Spotify, it must be a licensing/legal problem. Lawyers, at a guess. Number of votes here aren’t going to change that.
Why on earth didn't they even start with Spotify??? Another gigantic vote for Spotify please!!!
Yet another one for Spotify! :)
Yes please, another request for Spotify and BBC Sounds to work with SVC. Thanks.
I too would really welcome BBC Sounds on SVC. Please give us some idea when it will arrive. Thanks.
We (BBC Sounds) are keen to get SVC working too. Hoping to get more info from Sonos on official UK launch soon, then we’ll investigate integration.
Similarly would really appreciate BBC Sounds and SVC linked
I too would really welcome BBC Sounds on SVC. Please give us some idea when it will arrive. Thanks.
We (BBC Sounds) are keen to get SVC working too. Hoping to get more info from Sonos on official UK launch soon, then we’ll investigate integration.
I too would really welcome BBC Sounds on SVC. Please give us some idea when it will arrive. Thanks.
I'd like to be able to get "Hey sonos" to play Radio 1,for some reason it plays BBC Arabic.??
Being 45 I no longer have this problem*
BBC Sounds is the biggest miss for me with Sonos Voice; I could ditch Alexa if this was added (I’ve actually started using Alexa just to start the radio, and then using the Sonos app to switch it to Sounds on there when I get the chance, so I can see what’s playing if I hear something interesting.)
*I just tried to see what Sonos Voice would give me if I asked for BBC 6 Music and I got BBC Radio Cymru 2 (via Tune-in) -some extra Welsh listening practise for me there
We are v keen on getting BBC Sounds working via SVC, just waiting for the formal UK release and some advice from Sonos
Another vote for Spotify integration with Sonos voice please!
Of course it is, but this is also about investing in IT hours……
Surely the addition of other languages would be the first thing Sonos works on……
Those are very different bodies of work.
Supporting additional services is pretty straight-forward for most, at the technical level. (Legal issues may be more of a challenge). Anyone with a knowledge of SMAPI (which is likely about half of the Sonos engineering team) can do this work.
Voice recognition in foreign languages is a very different problem and depends entirely on the work of the company that Sonos acquired a few years ago, and how much work they have already done (or not) in this area.
If I was running things I would do both of these deliverables in parallel, they are entirely independent of each other.
Surely the addition of other languages would be the first thing Sonos works on……
I'd like to be able to get "Hey sonos" to play Radio 1,for some reason it plays BBC Arabic.??
Being 45 I no longer have this problem*
BBC Sounds is the biggest miss for me with Sonos Voice; I could ditch Alexa if this was added (I’ve actually started using Alexa just to start the radio, and then using the Sonos app to switch it to Sounds on there when I get the chance, so I can see what’s playing if I hear something interesting.)
*I just tried to see what Sonos Voice would give me if I asked for BBC 6 Music and I got BBC Radio Cymru 2 (via Tune-in) -some extra Welsh listening practise for me there
Apologies for the late reply.
No, nothing to announce at this time.
We’ll be sure to let everyone know when Spotify is added to SVC (FWIW, it’s a feature I’m eagerly waiting for too!)
I'd like to be able to get "Hey sonos" to play Radio 1,for some reason it plays BBC Arabic.??
Have the same thing - it’s because they moved to BBC Sounds as the default service for the main BBC radio stations but these aren’t currently supported by SVC. However, some BBC stations have remained on TuneIn, of which BBC Arabic is the first alphabetically. So, when you say “play BBC Radio 1” SVC interprets this as “play the first BBC station from TuneIn”. Weird and won’t be fixed until BBC Sounds is available through SVC I guess…
SiriusXM is likely last on the list, its object tree and SMAPI search results are a nightmare to try and match with speech intent. The only thing more painful would be the old Rhapsody API (may that RIP).
Spotify and local library are trivial.
Can’t speak to Qobuz, Plex or BBC Sounds, never tried to wire them to a speech engine.
That does seem odd. Next time you do it, I’d submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes and call Sonos Support to discuss it. That might give them some additional hard data to pass on to the engineers.
I'd like to be able to get "Hey sonos" to play Radio 1,for some reason it plays BBC Arabic.??
I would ask - please - for Spotify, Plex, local NAS library and SiriusXM as soon as you can. Just installed the Sonos voice control, but alas it doesn’t work for me as none of the above are supported.
Asking it to “play music” as the tutorial suggests gives a response that I have to sign up for a music service first. As you can see from above, I do and have. Just not what’s currently supported.
We’re always looking to add new options to our products and services. More music services will follow in time but we have nothing to announce right now
Add in Sirius XM as well.
Please. Where are my manners, it won’t let me edit my own posts.
Add in Sirius XM as well.
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