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I have 4 Sonos Ports in my set up, all Ethernet wired to my network. I use my phone to play music to them, usually uttering “Siri play some music in the Backyard” (Backyard is the name of a port, in the room “Backyard” of my Apple Home set up). I also have tried picking a port in the output selector. 

In both of these scenarios, I see about 25% of the time, that Siri will say “OK” or the route is changed successfully in the picker, but then nothing is rendered on the speakers, even though the Apple Music playhead is moving as if nothing is wrong. I have checked my amp, my network, etc. and everything is fine.

Interestingly, to recover, all I need is to turn off that route in the picker, and then selected it again, and immediately music is rendered. This leads me to believe it is an iOS issue, but I cant confirm. Has anyone else experienced this? It has been going on ever since I’ve had the ports, ~2 years or so.

Since it isn’t 100% repeatable, it is slow to debug. I think it has something to do with the amount of time in between usages, e.g. if there is a long time between when I use a Port, maybe it goes to sleep and there is bug on wake that causes rendering failures. Just guesswork, as I said, it is hard to repro on demand.

Hi ​@ThGrtMagnet, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with voice commands on your Sonos system.

As Siri isn’t directly integrated to the Sonos system, but through Apple Home, it’s hard to tell exactly where this is going wrong. Fixing it by turning the connection between Apple and Sonos on and off again makes me also believe this lies with iOS, or at least an authorization issue between Apple Home and Sonos. 

I don’t use Apple Home or Siri myself, but instead of toggling the connection, try deleting and recreate it in Apple Home. If that doesn’t help, it may be worth reaching out on the Apple Forums. You’ll find users there who are more likely to run this type of setup or who are able to give insight as to why toggling the connection fixes the issue temporarily.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for engaging with me, Jamie! I have submitted two diagnostics reports, is there a way for someone at Sonos to tell me if anything looks amiss with the units themselves? e.g. from their perspective, does it look like audio data is being received?  I submitted these reports from the Sonos app, immediately after occurrence:


I am working with Apple on this as well, it would be great if there was someone I could put them in contact with as well. Is that possible?


Moderator Edit - Recorded and removed diagnostics numbers.

Hi ​@ThGrtMagnet,

You could contact our support team who can look into the diagnostics on your account, just give them the email associated with your Sonos system and they can see all previous diagnostics. I’m not sure if they’ll find anything in there regarding the commands being sent by Apple Home, but they might see if the command fails, it’s worth reaching out to verify if you haven’t.

Apple should have a contact with us directly, so there isn’t a way for us to put support in contact with them through you. If you contact our support, and it’s needed by our team, they’ll escalated your case and reach out to Apple to gather more information and work on a fix if needed.

looks like there is a new version of system firmware/software out. I will try it.



Release date: 1/28/2025
