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CBC stations missing from native app, TuneIn not a viable alternative

  • March 23, 2022
  • 1 reply


It would seem that quite frequently most of the CBC Music On Air stations disappear, the CBC Radio One stations seem to be unaffected. Specifically I frequently listen to On Air Pacific and use it for my wake up alarm. While I know that I can access this station via TuneIn, there’s two problems with that. Typically when you start a stream from a TuneIn station, they play that loud “Tune IN!” clip at the start akin to Netflix’s launch noise, this is not exactly how I want to be woken up but would prefer a soft fade in of whatever CBC is broadcasting. Secondly, I’ve noticed that when I use the TuneIn stream, not long after we start listening, it will start to suffer from audio drops every 30 seconds or so which makes for a terrible listening experience.

If I browse to CBC’s website, the streams missing from Sonos are available so I can’t help but wonder if the Sonos app has a timeout set wherein the music service’s list of offerings loads and this timeout is simply too low or CBC’s response time is too high.

Best answer by controlav

Get a direct URL for your stream and add that to your Sonos system, taking TuneIn directly out of he loop. I can’t see the station you describe on their web site myself.

Or try a different radio aggregator eg

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1 reply

  • Lead Maestro
  • 7539 replies
  • Answer
  • March 24, 2022

Get a direct URL for your stream and add that to your Sonos system, taking TuneIn directly out of he loop. I can’t see the station you describe on their web site myself.

Or try a different radio aggregator eg

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