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Spanning Tree Route


Hi All, 

I’ve just looked at my matrix and can see that the ‘Master Bedroom’ is a weak connection… however the matrix also shows that from the kitchen to the master bedroom the link (if it were chosen) is pretty good. So my question is why is Sonos deciding to link the master bedroom directly to ‘Bridge’ which is a wired device, rather than hopping through kitchen… i.e

Rather than

Bridge → Master Bedroom

would it not be better to choose

Bridge → Kitchen → Master Bedroom


Any thoughts on the logic? Here’s the matrix 



Best answer by Ken_Griffiths

It’s the least-cost path to the root and the connection is clearly regarded as being good enough… Perhaps see this link for a far more in-depth explanation:

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It’s the least-cost path to the root and the connection is clearly regarded as being good enough… Perhaps see this link for a far more in-depth explanation:

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 18 replies
  • August 8, 2021

thanks for the info. I’m very familiar with STP and costs etc…. just didn’t seem realistic that the cost would be more for the 2 good hops rather than this pretty weak connection… I guess if it drops out too much, the cost might change and it’ll select a better route. Fingers crossed! 


  • 23914 replies
  • August 9, 2021

The noise floor for BRIDGE is OK, not great. Moving BRIDGE a foot or two might help.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • August 9, 2021

Not related to your issue but...

The Bridge is really old tech, SonosNet v 1.0 and many of them are seeing issues from failing power supplies.

Have you considered wiring one of your speakers to Ethernet or if that isn’t possible swapping out the Bridge for a much better Boost? I think Sonos might even have a discount for that swap.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 18 replies
  • August 9, 2021

That's for the thoughts... Although it's called Bridge, it's actually a Sonos Connect device.... It doesn't have an amp connected to it and it's literally used to make a wired connection back to my network cabinet. It's old tech too though I know.... I am going to wire in my kitchen speaker when a new reel of cable arrives... It's a Play 1..... Again superseded now. 


I've been a Sonos user for a long time and have spent a lot of money on the kit. I'm loathed to spend a load more updating everything to S2... Although that would be lovely... Only for them to attempt to pull the plug on that kit a few more years down the line. 


Ideally I'd by soundbar, sub, pair some Ones etc... It's just too expensive. I can't even use my iPad to control the S1 system any more as they supposed supporting the os it uses... I'm a massive one for change, development and improvement, but when customers have spent so much I really do think everything should at least remain working.... Even if the old app was still available for use without receiving updates. 

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