I’m just about at my wits end here. I recently installed a Deco M5 mesh system in my home. Great wi-fi coverage - but it’s practically killed my Sonos system - 3 Play 1s and 2 Ones. So I’ve been reading about the issues, and have decided to try to create a separate SonosNet system.
Here is my configuration -
- ISP supplied Modem/Router (with wifi turned off);
- wired to Deco M5 (in Router mode);
- wired to 5 port switch connected to one of the other Deco M5s for a backhaul channel and the Sonos One speaker
The Sonos One shows up just fine - with WM 0 in the description. It’s when I try to add my other speakers into the mix that I run into problems. I add the first one, and it shows up with WM 1 in the description - connected to the wi-fi network instead of the SonosNet. I turn off the 2.4Gh wireless on the Deco, and it won’t connect to the second speaker at all, it’s only about 15 ft away from the Sonos One. I haven’t tried my luck with any of the other speakers yet, but will shortly and add to this post my results there.