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I have two Move 2s set up as a stereo pair.

I have noticed that only one of them has the mic light on and that the other doesn’t. The the one without the mic light also does not have the small dot light on the front illuminated.

Is this normal?

If the mic is not on will the Trueplay autotune still work for the pair?

Thank you. I can’t find the info on the site.

Both should have the mic on for Trueplay to work.  Just press the mic button to enable it.  I find that when using a Stereo pair then using bluetooth on one, and then moving it back to wifi and pairing again, that the mic disables.


Have you also set up voice control on Both moves?  It’s not essential but helps in my experience

Thank you bockersjv.

I’ve been playing around this morning and have now got the voice control on both and both have Mic enabled (on switch at back and showing in app). 

I was concerned yesterday because the sound was awful; just muffled and bassy sound from one of the speakers. I also temporarily lost the EQ feature in the app. Strange but thankfully all back and sound fine. Thank you.

The only remaining minor concern I have is that the very small status light on the front above the SONOS logo is only lit on one of the speakers. Unsure if this is because they are paired or if it’s small fault with the speaker? Are both of yours illuminated?

Check the settings. The Status LED can be toggled on/off in the app. 

Thank you. The toggle bit in the app treats them as a stereo pair I think. When I toggle off the right speaker light disappears toggling back on only the right lights.

Thank you. The toggle bit in the app treats them as a stereo pair I think. When I toggle off the right speaker light disappears toggling back on only the right lights.

Take one offline. Toggle the LED on the other. Power up the first one. Compare LED’s. 

I have the same issue.  The replies here don’t seem to address the core question.  OP, did you ever resolve this?

Do they not address the core question or does the supplied answer not work for you?

Do they not address the core question or does the supplied answer not work for you?

Both, I think.

At its heart, the question is should the LED light on both be on?  To this point, my Move2 speakers both have the microphone switches on, both say they are on in the Sonos App, but only one light shows to be on.  Pressing the button on the top makes the light blink, but it doesn’t stay on.  


Secondly, if they are supposed to be on, how do you resolve it?  That question seems to be addressed, but it doesn’t work in my case.  


It was the extremely poor sound from one speaker that triggered my question. That remedied itself with a day or so and after adpoting the suggestions here everything not seems fine - both LEDs on, both showing voice control on speakers and in app. 

I’ve encountered a few glitches acroos the system recently but they all seem to resolve themselves within a day or so. Possibly new app releases and subsequent SOOS tweaking afrtwerwards? 

At the mo I'’m happy though.
