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Yet another solid orange light defective Roam that won't turn on

Has anyone figured out a way to get these things working or am I just screwed for being a loyal customer and early adopter with a first gen roam thats out of warranty?

75 replies

Userlevel 1

Mine started doing same thing. 

Userlevel 7

Charge the Roam for about an hour using the supplied USB-C cable and a 5V/2A (10W) USB power adapter. Then reboot the Roam by following these steps:

  1. Disconnect Roam from charging cables and remove it from wireless chargers.
  2. Hold the button on the back of Roam for at least five seconds until you hear the power-off tone and the light above the Sonos logo turns off.
  3. Wait 10 seconds.
  4. Press the button on the back of Roam to turn it back on.

If this doesn’t work, submit a diagnostic and contact Sonos Support.

There is another reset that is sometimes productive.

After a hour or more of charging, remove the unit from the charger and hold the power button for 15 seconds. If you slip off the button, restart the interval. If the unit restarts, place it back on the charger and fully charge the unit. You can play while charging.

Note that this is not a Factory Reset. No user settings will be destroyed.

Userlevel 3

Tried all of this and still have a Sonos Roam brick that only lights up solid orange when plugged into USB-C but never actually charges, responds. Ugh. 

Tried all of this and still have a Sonos Roam brick that only lights up solid orange when plugged into USB-C but never actually charges, responds. Ugh. 

What charger is it that you’re using? Maybe check it’s power output meets the requirements, or that it is PD certified.

Userlevel 3

I’m using the OEM Sonos wireless charger that has always worked until just recently. Chatted with Sonos customer service and they told me I need a faster charger 5V/2A but the one it came with is 5V/1.5A. So frustrating.

I’m using the OEM Sonos wireless charger that has always worked until just recently. Chatted with Sonos customer service and they told me I need a faster charger 5V/2A but the one it came with is 5V/1.5A. So frustrating.

Yes okay, but can’t you remove the Qi pad (and cable) from the supplied power adapter and use the USB-C cable, that came with your Roam, with that adapter instead, as that will provide a higher charge-rate in comparison to the Qi pad? (2.1A x 5V = 10.5W as stated on

Userlevel 3

Yep - unfortunately my Roam is bricked even when I use correct adapter and USB-C. Orange indicator light stays on as if it’s charging but thing happens. The second I remove power it is a brick. While on power (constant orange indicator), no interaction with buttons. 

Userlevel 3

By “correct” I mean third party with exact 5V/2A requirement and OEM USB-C cord that works on other devices just fine. 

By “correct” I mean third party with exact 5V/2A requirement and OEM USB-C cord that works on other devices just fine. 

How many charge intervals and power-button (P/B) resets - (not factory resets) - off it’s charger, did you actually try with your Roam?

What were the steps precisely that you tried to get the Roam to work?

I would personally suggest a minimum of two attempts and maybe even go onto try upto 4 x P/B resets with one hour USB-C charge in between each one.

Always remember though to do each of these resets whilst the device is off its charger and ‘ideally’ the charger needs to have a power output of 2A x 5V (10W) or higher, or if you have one…I recommend trying a PD certified charger, which will deliver 3A x 5V (15W) power output to the Roam. (Note you will need to change the cable in order to use a PD certified charger - they’re USB-C only)

Same experience here.  I did the restart steps, including the Factory reset one from Sonos that had me holding down the play button while pressing the power button.   No difference, it was just plain dead.   After the chat representative reminded me that I bought it in May of 2021 and that it only has a one year warrantee, I was surprised when he offered me a free replacement!!!   Hopefully it doesn’t run into the same issues but I’m very glad to be taken care of like that.  After reading here the best I was hoping for was a discount on a new one, which sucks.

Userlevel 2

Same problem.  My roam is a 2 year old replacement they sent after I bought the 1st one when it came out and died.  Tech support/sales only offered me a 30% off of a new one only if I used my trade-in discount. I found a refurbed roam SL for $129 and ordered it.  It’s clear that the Roam is a POS - I wonder if all the portable Sonos products have the same issue.

Userlevel 2

Interesting that the forum monitor has marked this question answered.  Who are they trying to kid?


Interesting that the forum monitor has marked this question answered.  Who are they trying to kid?

Did the PID controller reset not work for the OP then, or was it not resolved when they contacted Sonos Support🤔?

Userlevel 2

Not sure what PID or OP means but went through all the steps with S support after charging for over 3 hours with S provided charger connected by USB C cable with no change. S support determined the roam was dead and could only offer 30% off of new roam. I think that the battery S is using in the roams will only last for a few months past the 1 year warranty and then die. 
Form factor is good but hardware sucks. 

Not sure what PID or OP means but went through all the steps with S support after charging for over 3 hours with S provided charger connected by USB C cable with no change. S support determined the roam was dead and could only offer 30% off of new roam. I think that the battery S is using in the roams will only last for a few months past the 1 year warranty and then die. 
Form factor is good but hardware sucks. 

I think you perhaps misunderstand the answer given to this thread, as it was an answer to address the issue raised by alphonse55 - that’s why the thread was correctly marked as answered… there’s no saying if your issue was the same, or a different, but similar, matter.  In any event, most similar hardware these days from a majority of manufacturers is covered by a 1 year warranty and there are options ‘everywhere’ to take out an extended warranty (insurance) period, should you need ‘peace of mind’ to go beyond that first year of use.

With regards to the point you raise about the Roams battery, all I can add, is that in my own case I have two Sonos Roams that are now around three years old and I have several family members & friends who have them too from around the same period (and in some cases, purchased more recently in the last year, or so) and all are still working fine with no issues - I guess like any/every other electrical item mass-produced and sold worldwide, some may fail, either inside, or outside their warranty period, whilst others may last for years & years - It’s a reason why there is extended warranty insurance. Had your device failed within its warranty period and not replaced, then I would see that as being the time to complain. 

Userlevel 2

Same orange light issue as everyone else. Purchased my Roam in the spring of 2022, so about 18 months of life on the thing. Went through all the steps with support to confirm that the Roam is bricked. “Sorry but as it’s out of warranty the only thing we can do is offer a discount on a new product”… I pushed back on that response but the support person (who was otherwise very professional) wouldn’t budge. Sounds like a class action lawsuit in the making.

Userlevel 1

Same issue. Bought the Sonos roam fron Costco 2 Christmas's ago, to pair with our play 5s. Hardly used it compared to the other speakers. Now it will light up orange when plugged in, but does absolutely nothing else. Extremely let down. 



Userlevel 2

I own 2 roams. First one died (orange brick of death) 6 months ago after 18 months. I returned it to Costco for full refund (warranty at Costco is double manufacture warranty). 
Today, my second roam is doing the same thing. Luckily I bought that 6 months after the first one. I’m going to return it to Costco for full refund.

I didn’t buy a replacement Roam after the first one, but bought the Move, instead. I lost all faith in the roam.


thank you Sonos for letting me try both roam for 18 months for free.


the right thing to do for Sonos is recall the roam or let us trade it in at full value (not 30% off coupon) for a new product

Badge +1

If you bought from Costco, they offer a 2-year warranty.  Call Costco.

Otherwise, most credit cards offer an extended warranty for free (usually double the manufacturer’s 2 years).  Call your CC company.

Hope that’s helpful!

Aloha 🤙🏽

If you bought from Costco, they offer a 2-year warranty.  Call Costco.

Otherwise, most credit cards offer an extended warranty for free (usually double the manufacturer’s 2 years).  Call your CC company.

Hope that’s helpful!

Aloha 🤙🏽

I called Costco and they do not offer the extended warranty on any of the Sonos products.

My Sonos now shows the orange light while plugged in and does not charge at all. Failed at 6 months past the 12 month Sonos warranty. 

Planned obsolescence as is so common these days. This is my last Sonos product...

Userlevel 2

🙄it is Costco standard warranty policy to double manufacture warranty. I just returned my second roam a month ago. I bought that one in 12/2021.

They took it and refunded my credit card instantly.

I almost did that with my washing machine too, but luckily they fixed after the 4 attempt. The Costco concierge said if they can’t fix it this time, they will send me a new one or refund me. And, I didn’t buy the extended warranty. 

Just to let you know, Costco does not take the hit on this. Sonos gets the shaft that they deserve.

costco just charge it back to Sonos. 

🙄it is Costco standard warranty policy to double manufacture warranty. I just returned my second roam a month ago. I bought that one in 12/2021.

They took it and refunded my credit card instantly.

I almost did that with my washing machine too, but luckily they fixed after the 4 attempt. The Costco concierge said if they can’t fix it this time, they will send me a new one or refund me. And, I didn’t buy the extended warranty. 

Just to let you know, Costco does not take the hit on this. Sonos gets the shaft that they deserve.

costco just charge it back to Sonos. 

Strange. I spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with the Costco Warranty Center and they did not budge.

I will go to the store and speak with them in person to see if that makes a difference.

Still I am seeing a trend with these types of devices (Headsets, Speakers and even new glued shut laptops and cell phones). They last barely past their warranty periods before they fail. I have 12 year old camera gear still running on the original batteries and electronic test gear dating back to the early 90s still running like they did when new. 

The number of people having this issue with the Sonos is way to large. This is a money making scheme in action...

Userlevel 2

🙄it is Costco standard warranty policy to double manufacture warranty. I just returned my second roam a month ago. I bought that one in 12/2021.

They took it and refunded my credit card instantly.

I almost did that with my washing machine too, but luckily they fixed after the 4 attempt. The Costco concierge said if they can’t fix it this time, they will send me a new one or refund me. And, I didn’t buy the extended warranty. 

Just to let you know, Costco does not take the hit on this. Sonos gets the shaft that they deserve.

costco just charge it back to Sonos. 

Strange. I spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with the Costco Warranty Center and they did not budge.

I will go to the store and speak with them in person to see if that makes a difference.

Still I am seeing a trend with these types of devices (Headsets, Speakers and even new glued shut laptops and cell phones). They last barely past their warranty periods before they fail. I have 12 year old camera gear still running on the original batteries and electronic test gear dating back to the early 90s still running like they did when new. 

The number of people having this issue with the Sonos is way to large. This is a money making scheme in action...

I would not talk to them. Just walk up and say-this thing stopped charging and working. The return desk person will look at the purchase date and take it back. I think it is a Roam thing. I have many other Sonos products and I still love their ecosystem. I have never had problems with my other Sonos products (a total of 9- ✊🏻 on wood). They should really recall the Roam and not short change us. I actually just bought the Sonos Move with the credit, from Costco of course.

I hear you about “planned obsolescence”. They just don’t want to make things that last.


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

While you are at Costco walk over the the audio/video department and ask one of the folks there for an extended warranty flyer. Last time I looked they offered extended warranties based on device price, no restrictions on the brand.

I just checked, isn’t selling them, only for select devices so they may not be available.


