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Sonos Move Charger melted

Has anyone experienced the plastic around the pin melting on the Sonos Move charger. I am now unable to charge the speaker.


Best answer by Jamie A

Hi @tonyhenderson766, welcome to the Sonos Community!

This isn’t a normal occurrence with the Move charging base so I would hold off on using it until further notice as it may damage the Sonos Move.

Are you okay with support reaching out to you with the email provided on your community profile? If so, I will request our support team set up a case and contact you. If not, then please reach out to our support team as your earliest convivence. If you are contacting them yourself, they may want to set up a case to collect the pictures of the issue you’ve posted here.

I hope this helps!

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2 replies

Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • 1220 replies
  • Answer
  • August 15, 2023

Hi @tonyhenderson766, welcome to the Sonos Community!

This isn’t a normal occurrence with the Move charging base so I would hold off on using it until further notice as it may damage the Sonos Move.

Are you okay with support reaching out to you with the email provided on your community profile? If so, I will request our support team set up a case and contact you. If not, then please reach out to our support team as your earliest convivence. If you are contacting them yourself, they may want to set up a case to collect the pictures of the issue you’ve posted here.

I hope this helps!


I would appreciate someone reaching out as the bot was unable to assist earlier.


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