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Serious Roam problems

Finally got my Roam. Really disappointing.


Charged it for four hours. Tried every adapter in my house. Finally to got 100%. Played for four minutes then turned off. Flashing red light. Left to charge again overnight. Turned on for ten minutes then turned off. App is saying 100% but won’t play.


When operational, also dropped off my system every two minutes and need to be reconnected.


Oh dear. Think I’ll need a replacement. And if that’s no better, refund.


any thoughts?



Hi @Shakerag65 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

A flashing red light indicates an issue with the battery, but it may be able to be cleared in software.

Please disconnect the Roam from any charger, hold the power button for 12 seconds and let go. This will force the Roam to reboot.

If you continue to have issues after this, or if you see the flashing red light again (and you’re sure it’s not orange), I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Roam.

Thanks Corry. Now I have a flashing red light and no way to reset up or access it. Just dead.


Will try customer support.

Hi @Shakerag65 

I think that’s for the best. Thanks.