I have an Arc connected to my LG TV
It used to occassionally give me an issue where when I switched inputs I would get no sound.
Usually turning it off and on a few times would finally get it working.
Then about 3 weeks ago I added another HDMI device to my TV and now it is difficult to get sound when I turn the TV on.
Intially I was going into the sound source and changing to internal TV speaker then back to HDMI arc but would take a few attempts. Sometimes it would take 5 minutes of fiddling before it started to work. Very annoying.
However I have discovered today that if I sit and wait for about 4 m inutes the sound fades in. This has only happened twice so the jury is out.
I often play music on the Arc during the day and then the TV goes on at night.
I have a suspicion that it does not like changing sources and that is what the problem is but this needs more time to figure out
Any help or advice would be welcome