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I have an Arc connected to my LG TV

It used to occassionally give me an issue where when I switched inputs I would get no sound.

Usually turning it off and on a few times would finally get it working.


Then about 3 weeks ago I added another HDMI device to my TV and now it is difficult to get sound when I turn the TV on.

Intially I was going into the sound source and changing to internal TV speaker then back to HDMI arc but would take a few attempts. Sometimes it would take 5 minutes of fiddling before it started to work. Very annoying.


However I have discovered today that if I sit and wait for about 4 m inutes the sound fades in. This  has only happened twice so the jury is out.


I often play music on the Arc during the day and then the TV goes on at night.

I have a suspicion that it does not like changing sources and that is what the problem is but this needs more time to figure out


Any help or advice would be welcome





Sometimes things get confused.

I’d make sure every device was on the latest update to start with.

Unplug the TV’s inputs and power everything down.

Power up the TV and the Arc. Once they both are ready connect the EARC/ARC cable from the TV to the Sonos Arc.

Check that the TV is seeing the Arc and all is working.

See if the problem is really gone, then connect the remaining inputs back to the TV.

Thanks, I will try tonight probably and let you know. Steve
