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It happens randomly multiple times per day. I have a Samsung TV. It happens no matter which streaming app I use. I have to cycle the tv off and on by holding down the power button. Super annoying and frustrating, especially with little kids whose patience level is non existent. Seen other posts but absolutely no answers. 

I am connecting through HDMI and when I toggle the volume it says e-arc. It’s starting to not be worth the frustration even with the sound quality being so high. 

does anyone know why this happens. Is it a Samsung thing, a Sonos issue? I am using the hdmi cord provided by sonos. The tv is only a few years old. 

Hard to tell, from your posted experience, whether this is a Sonos thing, or a Samsung thing. 

The first thing I’d do is check the TV for software updates, and apply them. Then I’d reboot the TV by unplugging it for at least two minutes (simply using the remote or power button isn’t good enough). Then I’d do a similar process for the Arc, checking for updates, then power cycling. Then I’d reseat the cable at both ends between the two devices. 

But, if after all that, it still occurs, I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it. But don’t post the resulting diagnostic number here, they get sensitive about GDPR.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the Support staff, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

 While the TV is powered down, remove all HDMI connections. After TV and SONOS have rebooted, then connect only the HDMI cable between them. There will be a negotiation of sound and picture formats. Now you can connect other TV inputs, if any. By the way, are any other HDMI devices connected to the TV? Some devices are bad neighbors.

Thanks for the feedback. Will try these troubleshooting options. There is no other component plugged into 
