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I was attempting to create a surround pair for my new Sonos Arc and when I went through the setup in the app, I realized I could not mix the surround pair.  

I have two Sonos ONEs and two Symfonisk Lamps (the previous generation, not the current ones).

What I wanted to do was use one of the ONEs and one of the Lamps as the surround pair to my Arc.

While I was setting it up in the app, it picked up those 4 speakers and asked which one I wanted to use as the surround.  On selection of the first speaker, if it is the Sonos ONE that I selected, it will then ask if I want to use the second Sonos ONE to pair with, but it will not let me choose the Symfonisk speakers.  Alternatively, if I select the Symfonisk as my first speaker, it will ask if I want to use the second Symfonisk to pair with, but not the Sonos ONEs.


When I googled mixing the two, it seems to be possible, but maybe I'm misunderstanding something?

Could someone advise if this is correct behaviour, and I just won’t be able to do what I’m trying to?

Not sure where you Googled but it wasn’t the Sonos Support site.

Matched speakers are needed for surrounds.

A Sonos home theater speaker can use two Sonos speakers of the same model as surrounds. For example, two Sonos Ones can be used for surround sound but One and Play:1 cannot. However, related models like One and One SL can be used together as surround speakers.


You might be able to do the mixed surrounds if you use a third party controller to do it. Search here for that.

To save the search IIRC Sonosequencer on iOS could do this. But double check before you buy as it’s not something I’ve tested. 

Thanks both for the info!  


As for where I found the info, no it was not Sonos Support site, the google search results led me here to the Community.  A solution was provided but it was very general terms and so it seemed like it would work, but as I tested it out, it looks like it required a bit more setup than expected.

I will have a look at Sonosequencr and also weigh my options in terms of how I want to setup the decor in the space -- might be possible with a different arrangement of speakers.
