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When I bought the One SLs, I tested them out in one room. Now, I want them where they belong.

The Ray is set up in my garage. The One SLs are showing ‘Den’. I want them all in one place as the den doesn’t even exist now. Is there a way to make this transition?


Move the One SL’s to the same room/location as the Ray. You can just group all three together.  In the app click on the room names from the One SL’s and change the names to whatever you want.

I would not create a stereo pair with the One SL’s as they would sound off with stereo separation vs the Ray. I would just place the One SL’s strategically around the room.

I tried to factory reset them and I still can’t get the 3 to pair up. I can get the 2 One SLs to pair as stereo but the Ray doesn’t want to be part of the same space.

You can only Group the Ray to the One SL’s not Pair them. If you want to Bond the One SL’s to the Ray as surrounds you must first break them as a stereo pair. Once setup as surrounds you can set them to play in full stereo for music in the app.

Note: The One SL’s will no longer show as a room in the app. All audio will be directed to them via the Ray. Music will be heard through all three speakers.