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Good afternooon,

i have purchased a new (Samsung) TV which has no optical output and i wanted to connect the play bar via HDMI/SPDIF converter.

TV’s audio ouput is the HDMI connected to the converter.

The optical cable that goes into the playbar has a signal (red beam is on).

In the Sonos App, the playbar shows SPDIF selected

Unfortunately the playbar stays quit.

Does the optical input need some ‘special’ configuration ?





If you are using the Sonos optical adapter, that is the “wrong way” - that takes optical from the TV and turns it into a custom HDMI signal that Beams/Arcs can consume.

You need an HDMI switch that includes optical out. This won’t work for the apps built into the TV though, you are SOL there.

You need a new soundbar: that PB should get you a 30% discount on something newer.

Thanks for your reply.
I use a basic converter from Amazon, which turns the TV-HDMI signal into an optical output and a stereo (minijack) ouput.

I thought that the playbar could handle this converter optical out signal, as if it came directly from the TV.

Another question came to my mind just now: can i stream the TV audio out to the playbar via Wifi ?

That would make the cable connection problem disappear.

What Samsung model is this?  Even latest TVs mostly come equipped with Optical out.

It’s the Samsung Crystal UHD DU7100, the new TV of a friend.

I was suprised too that it had no optical out; just 3 x HDMI with one being HDMI/eARC

Thanks for your reply.
I use a basic converter from Amazon, which turns the TV-HDMI signal into an optical output and a stereo (minijack) ouput.

I thought that the playbar could handle this converter optical out signal, as if it came directly from the TV.

Another question came to my mind just now: can i stream the TV audio out to the playbar via Wifi ?

That would make the cable connection problem disappear.

Where are you putting this converter, exactly? It cannot work for apps built into the TV, it will only work for external source devices (eg Xbox, cable box). You might be able to find an eARC → optical extractor if you are lucky.

Wifi is not an option for audio on any Sonos device.

You need to limit the tv sound output to DD5.1 max, not DD+ etc as that is above what playbar can handle

Extractor needs to in HDMI earc, check extractor will work with earc

Thanks for your hints conc. eARC, i’ll check that…..
