So I’ve spoken to several Sonos reps on the phone and have not been able to resolve this issue. Basically I’ve recently purchased a used Connect:Amp to be able to connect my turntable (the brand is Tone Factory with built-in pre-amp) via line-in to my Beam. Setup goes smoothly and audio comes out of the Beam no problem when I manually select the turntable in the Sonos S2 app. However, no matter what combination of settings I try, I cannot get the Autoplay feature to switch from whatever the Beam is playing (I've tried with the TV on and off, as well as streaming music through Sonos Radio and Spotify) to the Connect:Amp once I start playing a record on the turntable. One rep told me the reason is that the Beam, which already has TV autoplay, has a built-in delay and waits for a signal from the tv so I must turn off the tv and wait for 10, oh no actually, 20 minutes before autoplay will work on the Connect:Amp. But besides being extremely impractical, I don’t think it can be true because the same problem occurs when streaming audio only with the tv off. I’ve also tried a different line-in source, so the problem doesn’t seem to be coming from the turntable. I have the Source Level turned up to 10 so it’s not a question of the autoplay threshold that I’ve read about other users having trouble with.
This isn’t a huge issue for me when I’m home and have the Sonos app handy (although not exactly convenient), but there are others in the house who want to be able to play records and don’t necessarily have access to the app when I’m not around. Thoughts?