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Subwoofer Orientation

  • 28 November 2017
  • 3 replies

I'm curious how others have their Subs oriented. Do you have it so that the broad side of the subwoofer faces your seating area or the narrow part? Images on the Sonos product page show it with the broad side facing the seating position but I have mine with the narrow end facing me.

I think I read somewhere that Sonos said the Sub could be placed anywhere so I assume the orientation may not change things too much.
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3 replies

Keith N
  • Sonos Staff
  • 4604 replies
  • November 28, 2017
Hi there, nifoxke. Thanks for posting! SUB positioning and placement can be different for everyone depending on their listening environment. Because of this, we have a few features that make any location for your SUB a great location such as Placement Adjustment and TruePlay.

Here is a great Community thread on Placement Adjustment where people discuss the use and benefits.

Additionally, we have a pretty neat video on YouTube about the SUB. Specifically, check out what Mark Polomski talks about regarding SUB orientation.

  • Author
  • Prodigy I
  • 177 replies
  • November 28, 2017
I'll check those out. Thanks! My searching ability failed me today.

  • 13501 replies
  • November 29, 2017
Placement would also matter less for TV where the idea is to just add the low end effects that are crude compared to the demands of low frequency music reproduction that integrates well with what the main speakers are delivering at the same time. For the latter, I suggest placing it with an open port facing you, somewhere between the two speakers, in about the same plane. Trueplay can then be used to do less of heavy lifting and more of tuning for optimum performance.

The "place anywhere" thing is partially true - this can be done, all you need is a mains socket that is accessible, but the sound will not be the same from every part of the room. Even after Trueplay, that will narrow but not eliminate differences.

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