Sonos Arc Height effects…
After 4 months of intense movie watching on my Sonos Arc, table mounted, 2.5m flat roof, sat 6feet away, here are the movie scenes I found to be most impressive. Please add yours in the comments so I can watch them too 😀
These are in order of ‘best to worst’ in my opinion (based on height, not overall atmos’
1. The Force Awakens - the scene where Finn meets Rey for the first time, and the Thai fighters are flying over them and shooting down.
About 2/3 way through the movie, the storm troopers have surrounded Han Solo and chewy, then the X wings fly in for about 5 mins. I can literally feel the air from Poes X-Wing fly over my head.
2. Ready Player One - Final battle, LOADS going on
3. Everest - around 1hr 10 onwards the storm roaring overhead is terrifying in the room above me
4. Nobody - this one is interesting, in the final battle scene, You’ll never walk alone floats like clouds in the room, whilst the gun fire happens at ear level
5. War of the worlds - around 10 minutes in, everyone goes outside to hear the thunder in the sky. You can literally look up and try and find it in the ceiling for a minute or so. There are many more scenes in this move similar.
6. The Matrix - sprinklers soaking the agents when they capture Morpheus. And then the helicopter flying overhead while neo has trinity on a rope.
7. Jumanji - Beep noise when characters die for a second on the ceiling. Very short but noticeable. Then the helicopter ride towards the end of the movie.
8. Lord of the rings return of the king - when the dragons fly over the castle in the battle about 2/3 of the way through. I could hear them fly across the room over my head
9. A quiet place part 2 - 10 minutes into the movie there is an aeroplane or something in the sky on fire and you can hear it above for around a minute.
10. Saving Private Ryan - NOT what you expect, but at the start before the beach scene, the old man is walking, and you can hear lots of birds in the trees all around the room for around a minute.
Extras: Lots of movies with storms and helicopters coming to mind so I will list a few: Mamma Mia 2 - storm crashing when Donna is with horse in stable 1/3 way though. Belfast - can hear helicopters overhead without seeing them on screen several times in movie. The expendables - helicopters early in movie. San Andreas opening scene. Etc
So what am I missing? Please feel free to contribute!!!