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Just received my new beam - first impressions are amazing! Works perfectly with Samsung QE7 TV except for one thing, and it's only minor but annoying!

Previous soundbar showed the name of the device, not just "receiver", the beam now connected via HDMI ARC just says receiver. Which isn't really an issue, the question is, it just shows + or - when adjusting the volume, previous soundbar had a level along with it, it would be nice/useful to know what the volume setting is, without looking at the app.

Only minor things - but have I missed something?

Apart from that, Beam with a pair of Ones (sound set to full not ambient) just wow!

Thanks in advance.
Hi, wmg155. Thanks for your post. I am glad you are enjoying your new system! Unfortunately there is no way to view a volume bar. I would be happy to pass along the suggestion for you. Do let us know if you need anything else.
Having some sort of display reference is great with little kids....turn the volume down to x. I would really really like this, I'm 1 day into my trial and it has mattered so far.
This is unfortunate UI. It's weird not being able to see how loud or low the volume is relative to a number.
I've got the Samsung TV as well and it is annoying that you can't see what volume e.g. on my old soundbar I knew that 30 was the right level to not annoy the wife when kids were asleep 🙂 Asking Alexa to set volume at 3 kind of works for me.
It is dependent on the TV, some show it while others don't. However, you can adjust volume using alexa (i.e. set volume to 4)