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If I have been using my Beam for non-TV listening, such as music streaming, then stop the music stream with Alexa before turning on my TV, it usually doesn’t starting playing the TV audio. I can’t see the option in App, and the Alexa command doesn’t always work. Why doesn’t the Beam auto-detect the TV has started sending audio (over hdmi)? Something a firmware tweak could fix? Or is there a setting I’m missing?

This is causing a lot of confusion and frustration in my household right now, with my wife and daughter no demanding they stop having to use the Beam when I am not around to fix the problems!
Maybe a trim off and on of tv

Saying “alexa switch to tv” should always work

In the app you go to browse and tv should be an option for thensound (when in room for beam)
You can try turning Autoplay TV on in the Beam settings.
You can try turning Autoplay TV on in the Beam settings.

It’s on but default, and I just checked it is still on.
I'm having the same trouble. I've been unplugging the plugging to reboot. Next time I'll try asking Alexa to connect to tv. Hope it works.
I've had the beam for months and the problem just showed up in the last month. I believe i may have been auto updated out of a reliable system.