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Beam power cable

  • November 4, 2022
  • 4 replies


Does anyone else have an issue with the Sonos beam power cable being loose and not fitting snugly into power socket ? 
If I move the beam the cable falls out ! 

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There’s been a lot of random discussions around power cables and seating in the Sonos products, although most have been around the Arc….which doesn’t change your issues with the Beam. Most often, it requires a fairly firm hand to seat it properly. Firmer than you’d normally expect, in many cases. But, if I’m remembering the Beam’s cord, it should be flush with the back of the Beam.

If you’re not able to get it fully inserted, or it is fully inserted, but still loose, perhaps a picture of it might help us help you?

  • Lead Maestro
  • November 4, 2022

I added a touch of DRY silicone lube to the outside of the plug so it went in easier.

I figured if it went in that hard getting it back out in a few years might be even less fun.



I’ve just grabbed a quick photo of my Beam cable to show how it looks when seated. Hope that might assist here…



I don’t think I’ve ever removed a power cable from any of my sound bars….or honestly, from any of my Sonos devices…..even when moving, it’s easier just to wrap the cord around the speaker, and pack it. But my personal desire isn’t necessarily everyones. But the key is getting it fully inserted, My concern is if the OP’s situation looks like @Ken_Griffiths ‘ but isn’t staying in, which is why I suggested to the OP that a picture might help us, either telling them to be firmer (or add the silicone lube), or if there’s a real problem that they should be contacting Sonos for additional guidance. 

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