So, ACE are just headphones?

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Just expensive headphones? Not a player? 

Thanks, but no thanks, then



34 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Sonos has been teasing us with “our most requested product” ads and emails.

I think they have misunderstood the request.

Sonos owners want a set of headphones that we can add to our systems like any other Sonos product.

What we’ve been offered is just a set of Bluetooth headphones!

Very, very disappointing.

I was ready to buy a pair immediately (I love a bit of early-adopting!) but not now. Why would I buy something that doesn’t work with my existing Sonos products.

Is this just an “entry level” product? Are a pair, with actual Sonos capability, in the pipeline?

Will we have to wait for the Ace to be a sales failure before we get what we actually want?

Who knows?!

Userlevel 1

As per today's email, Sonos are no longer marketing the Arc 'TV Audio Swap' functionality as a feature. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this particular function gets canned before launch. If their current marketing is anything to go by - then yes, these are literally 'just headphones'.


Completely pointless 

please Sonos product management/engineering, we spend money with you and support Sonos 

why would I buy your head phones when gives me nothing over any Bluetooth headphones I already have???


Userlevel 2
Badge +1

why would you bother with these ? i would choose airpods max over these any day (or any other prestige headphones) but then after years of loyal Sonos  usage i am now skeptical of the sonos hype machine , having forked out on the era 300s which turned out to be disappointing for music and best suited as rear speakers for home theatre - albeit very expensive rear speakers  and now the debacle with the S2 app - Sonos couldnt do any wrong now they keep screwing up

Userlevel 3

Latest quotes

“It was the number one request from our customers for years,” Spence said of the new headphones. “And our customers are usually pretty good at knowing where to go.”

“So, we’ve been prototyping headphones for four years; we’ve looked at a variety of different things, and this is where we’ve landed.”

However, some users have scrutinised Sonos, questioned why the Ace doesn’t use Wi-Fi – like the company’s other products – and therefore doesn’t integrate with the wider Sonos ecosystem.

“There are trade-offs you have to make,” Spence said about that decision. “The number one thing for consumers is that they want it to work out of the box, rather than having to take it home and set it up on your Sonos app,”

Just expensive headphones? Not a player? 

Thanks, but no thanks, then



I totally agree. What are they thinking!  The whole point is to have headphones as another option in the network of speakers. Anyone know if they can be returned. I already have Bose and Ace is simply redundant. Sonos should be embarrassed. I am beginning to wonder whether they have lost touch with users. Seems so given Ace and the app update. Very disappointing. 

Latest quotes

“It was the number one request from our customers for years,” Spence said of the new headphones. “And our customers are usually pretty good at knowing where to go.”

“So, we’ve been prototyping headphones for four years; we’ve looked at a variety of different things, and this is where we’ve landed.”

However, some users have scrutinised Sonos, questioned why the Ace doesn’t use Wi-Fi – like the company’s other products – and therefore doesn’t integrate with the wider Sonos ecosystem.

“There are trade-offs you have to make,” Spence said about that decision. “The number one thing for consumers is that they want it to work out of the box, rather than having to take it home and set it up on your Sonos app,”

That is not right. Your experienced base which probably buys most of your products hardly worries about setting up a node. What are you thinking. Can they be fixed with software or is it a list cause?

Sonos has been teasing us with “our most requested product” ads and emails.

I think they have misunderstood the request.

Sonos owners want a set of headphones that we can add to our systems like any other Sonos product.

What we’ve been offered is just a set of Bluetooth headphones!

Very, very disappointing.

I was ready to buy a pair immediately (I love a bit of early-adopting!) but not now. Why would I buy something that doesn’t work with my existing Sonos products.

Is this just an “entry level” product? Are a pair, with actual Sonos capability, in the pipeline?

Will we have to wait for the Ace to be a sales failure before we get what we actually want?

Who knows?!

I want to return mine! Waste of time. 

So I have a beam, we watch some TV but I need to pop to the loo. Put headphones on press button and I can keep contact with the snooker via the headphones. Nope. 

I am watching with son l, he has better ears then me. He has volume at 5 knowing others are asleep in the house rather than turn the volume up I pop on headphones. Nope

Listening to music on the move in the garden having a BBQ. Need to pop to the cellar to grab a bottle of fix, pop on the headphones. Nope.

Listen to records without disturbing others nope.

But I can listen to YouTube music via Bluetooth on my phone. Thing is if I want to do that I probably already have headphones. Are Sonos about to be bought by Google perhaps. Maybe then we can have the ring doorbell interrupt our YouTube listening and not miss a delivery. 
