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I have a Sonos Beam that I am trying to get working with GA. Have followed all the instructions added GA within the Sonos app. Gone into GA and checked names, set default speaker etc.

Beam/GA recognise voice commands as it comes back and tells what it is going to do. Then it comes back and says it looks like Sonos isn’t available. Doesn’t mentioned the name of the speaker I have told it to play through. Have tried renaming the room and speakers within Sonos App and GA. Always the same Sonos not available.

At the moment I only have Sonos speakers in one room. A Beam and two One SLs. So wouldn’t have thought much scope for confusion as to where it was supposed to be playing.

any suggestions. Family is so used to using GA to stream audio in other devices I would like this to work.

Hi ​@Turnbacktime 

Welcome back to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with getting Google Assistant working on your Beam speaker.

Please try the following:

  • Open the Google Home app (it’s by Google, but is just called Home)
  • Go to Settings
  • Tap on Works with Google
  • Tap on Sonos, chose Unlink Account, then Unlink
  • Go back one step to Settings, then select Works with Google again
  • Scroll down to Sonos (or search in the top corner), tap on it, then Continue
  • Press Continue, and sign in to your Sonos account

You may get asked to assign a device or two to rooms - please do so.

If this does not fix the issue you are having, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.


Thanks. I will try that again. Have been through that once but always worth another go.

Hi ​@Turnbacktime 

It may have more effect to remove Google Assistant from Sonos devices, do the above steps to remove Sonos from Google, but to then Add Google Assistant back to Sonos rather than linking in to Sonos from the Google Home app. I hope that makes sense.

To remove Google Assistant from a speaker: Settings icon » nroom with GA installed] » Google Assistant » Remove Google Assistant.

I hope this helps.
